Holding my nose to upbear this one.
Holding my nose to upbear this one.
I had to move one penny from my savings account so that my main account could be 123.45
Liking posts from weird furry accounts because their bios say things like “trans #ntr_enjoyer uwu free Palestine 🇵🇸”
It’s not about stopping illegal aliens it’s about “crossings” and it’s not the dems fault anyway it’s that imposing, all powerful Mexican president that’s twisting Unca Sam’s arm and Biden would much rather not make children walk through razer wire but we just didn’t vote hard enough thanks to you tankies.
Biden is the harm reduction candidate because he didn’t make my tummy upset on Xwitter the way that dang cheeto does 😡🤬
I tried to make a new account but I was high so I don’t know if I just didn’t do it right or if it’s some Hexbear fuckery but I can’t log in to it.
Sicko Jesus smiling down from the cross as I throw away all my leather bear daddy gear and have a monogamous heterosexual marriage.
People never accept my defense of “I was old then I’m younger than that now!”
Damn, I wish my job was to sit in a box and read all day. In fact, I’d like to not rent or worry about home owners association and just live in the box.
So at my work white people are allowed to say the n word but I’m not allowed to wear a shirt that says “big heart, small penis”.
Yeah, every one of the lefties on Hexbear like to say they’re “woke” but I guaren-fuckin-te you the moment I start being unironically uwu :3 c: :D owo their tunes are gonna change real quick.
It sucks because in a lot of places not being able to drive is just telling people to roll over and die. Their kids are too overworked with their two jobs and kids to raise so they can’t help, and good luck getting the government to help. So people who shouldn’t be driving sometimes have to. I will say I’ve known people that didn’t need to drive just to live, who were always rich asshole that being told they can’t drive at 90 is literally the first time they’ve been told “no” in their live, and are just selfish shits they always were. But even that is a product of our selfish society that prioritizes being greedy and mean. We’ve taken some of the most vulnerable people a society has and left them to the wolves.
Every now and then YouTube updates to try and stop adblockers. If you’re using a good one like uBlock Origin they update to counter it pretty quickly.
So is the trick where you add “reddit” to the end of a search ruined? Not that Reddit has ever been a great source of unbiased information, but if I’m just looking for some opinions by dorks that probably don’t know as much about bluetooth headphones as they act like they do but still know more than me then Reddit is a great starting point. But now I guess AI commenters and lazily disguised adverts have taken over? Maybe this was always a problem I’ve only just noticed it getting worse. At some point I’m going to need a search engine that can actually search things.
No god damn reason Hello Kitty Island Adventure should be an iOS exclusive. Fucking bullshit.
Playing with little mouse shaped toys filled with cat nip didn’t used to feel good. It does now. What is going nyan?
Turning into a cat boy? Sounds crazy, but that’s exactly what’s happening. What is going nyan? I used to drink out of a glass. Not any more. Now I drink out of a little bowl on the floor. What is going nyan?
Whatever, lefties, fuck off. I don’t need to know the politics of the person whose dick I’m sucking.
If you replace the P with an O then it spells out DORK. Get owned, Kim Jong Un.