They’ll likely have the article/review on techspot in a day or so
They’ll likely have the article/review on techspot in a day or so
In your scenario how is the local made $100 item bought at $80? Where is a $20 refund paid from? You are double spending it on both imported and local goods
That’s not how is works though.
I’d you made say 1500 normally and 2000 with ot your take home could be 1200 and 1400. Paying more taxes overall on the ot but still taking home more.
There is no way you’d take home less money because taxes are paid on the first $1500 @ $300 and say the next $500 @ $300 too at a higher bracket. Overall your pay is still higher though even though your taxes “doubled”.
What the hell are you ranting about? It’s common knowledge that he did last term as well.
In 2018, the U.S. government under former president Donald Trump imposed a 25% tariff on certain products made in China. This included graphics cards, motherboards, SSDs, and other products that rely on printed circuit boards. The Trump administration then suspended tariffs on products such as ‘graphics processing modules’ and ‘unfinished logic boards’ in September 2019 till January 2021. The Biden administration did not remove the import rule altogether, but continued to temporarily suspend it using a temporary exclusion process.
Yes most likely it’s more expensive to buy high quality food. They were given a grant to cover the higher cost, but required to buy local and thus support their community.
Yep Trump added terrifs on gpus last term too
Fox news is a hell of a drug
Eg pictures of dozens of police protecting tesla dealerships
No matter what option our country is pretty fucked
he cheated and rigged it
people were conned by him
people don’t care that he is a terrible person, rapist and liar.
Also ads have served a lot of malware
So glad my retirement is one again getting fucked from Republicans
“I’ll never leave this party that hates me”
Ofc not how could I forget my $20ish check years later
The Department of Corruption?
And the courts were partly sane
It’s far easier to break shit than fix it.
Do you see Republicans creating laws? No, they are just breaking them which doesn’t require dem support to pass new ones
The same drone strikes he said were illegal, and instead of stopping, removed reporting of so he could say he didn’t do it but Obama did… ugghhhh
I’d you are the only one seeding it and get to 0.4, you just left others hanging with incomplete downloads.
However I do agree in general
Cool, cool cool cool cool…
This will turn out well…
That’s not how it works though. Unless you didn’t work regular hours during that same time period so worked less overall OT is taxed higher upfront so you don’t end up owing (more), but would never decrease your pay