Reading the full article, athletic activities rate pretty highly, but golf is the lowest of those at 44.4% attractiveness
Reading the full article, athletic activities rate pretty highly, but golf is the lowest of those at 44.4% attractiveness
Silly humie
Cologne is in Germany, not France you silly goose!
Gary Grigsby’s War in the Pacific Admiral’s Edition
On Cinema at the Cinema.
Where my Gregg heads at?
Said no consequences so sorry, your younger self doesn’t believe you and sells them anyway.
Strange, it was literally the first explanation I thought of, I then spent 10 minutes confirming that was in fact the sequence of ACTGs in the original post before coming into the comments to find out that it is indeed what happened.
Coprorocracy - rule by shit
Go away, baitin
Fine dining is one thing but the ultra exclusive, incredibly pretentious, top of the range place like DAMON BAEHREL is on another level entirely and has ceased, long ago, to be about making something a person wants to eat.
It’s about the art in just about the worst way possible. Fair play to the people who are into this but it’s complete bullshit, relies on borderline slave labour to produce and actively dislikes it’s audience.
Completed it mate
In before anyone jumps in here claiming the movie promotes eugenics.
I was being somewhat facetious
So, nothing changes, got it.
It’s anathema to me
Probiotics last about 48 hours in your gut before your own microbiome out competes them and they die off. That’s why you need to have another everyday.
Just get a fecal matter transplant and kick-start off a whole new microbiome from a healthier person.
Through the Dragon’s Eye
Through the Dragon’s Eye
Always use two thin coats