As a convicted drug felon whose local DA went on to become a corrupt governor, I reel at the “felon” pejorative that libs now seem to relish in. You can have a discussion with them about the PIC, the doubling of the prison population over a 2 decade period, and all sort of other stuff and they will nod along and even agree and then turn around and still assume all felons are bad and we need to support our cops. It’s the same shit with “terrorist” for those who lived through the Bush era and saw the term cynically deployed as cover for wars which saw a million people murdered and an entire region sent into disarray reflexively respond credulously whenever the term is used to justify a new genocidal campaign.
*Ha! I used the word “corrupt”, another loaded term that is often weaponized in the same manner. Really said governor was just doing standard governor stuff that most all politicians do in bourgeois democracy.
In for a penny in for a pound