maybe we can make a SFW bot an train it on general porn… most of the communities do not allow porn anyway right?
maybe we can make a SFW bot an train it on general porn… most of the communities do not allow porn anyway right?
the problem is those sites can also misuse the same tools in a way that harms the privacy of it’s users. We shouldn’t resort to “hacks” to fix real problems, like using client scanning to break E2EE . One solution might be an open sourced and community maintained auto mod bot…
what if we use deep learning based automoderators to instantly nuke these posts as they appear? For privacy and efficiency let’s make the model open source and community maintained… maybe even start a seperate donation for maintaining this, and maybe even make it a public API!
Hmm… I’d like to know what you think about Tor, and VPNs and privacy increasing tools in general
Yeah like normal money isn’t used for illegal stuff… there’s even a theory that drug money saved the world partly from total collapse during 2008 crisis
unlike other internet money this thing is actually already widely used by most of darkweb so that’s a pretty big economy already using it
And one of the “features” of Monero is you can’t actually “get rich” by “investing” in it. Monero is very stable and is doesn’t go up or down that much. (**compared to other coins)
But unlike billionaire this is actually verifiable, and it even got the “stamp of approval” by the feds when they offered 600M for those who can crack it
Crupto is not stock or gold. Crypto is not an investment. These crypro “chads” (yeah sure) thinks crypto is an investment… It’s like saying “hey! look at this new currency by this government! Surely this will 100X!! Let me buy a shit ton of it”
deleted by creator
it should work on firefox with a VPN tho, unless you are blocked by cloudflare…
It’s a secure cloud storage, so having a webpage is not exactly possible. Probably the browser failed to decrypt the file, which shouldn’t happen on a normal firefox (I use it)
Look into IPv6 ephemeral addresses
Sounds good! But does it provide encryption tho?
what if its Monero?
If I’m understanding this right, it would require every router to effectively be a proxy
They’d still be able to setup a surveillance network inside of ISPs to watch the exchange from A -> B -> C
It will be super hard as the packets are not easily uniquely identifiable, and basically impossible if multiple countries are involved. It’s the same like trying to take down/block Tor.
I’m fine with that, and that’s not censorship as far as I’m concerned
I believe that is a form of censorship, hlocking a whole exit node only because it’s used for hacking… it’s like blocking a country because most of the users from the country are haters
IP adresses aren’t fixed (for most people), just disconnect your modem for a few hours and you’ll probably get a new one.
The issue is not that it’s static, the issue is that it is getting assigned by an authority. In the solution the random ID is generated on device
You are being tracked by cookies, browser fingerprints, only being able to use a website after logging in, etc.
Although that is possible, my understanding is that the most significant information regarding one’s location and identity, after an account, is the IP.
know how to route this new protocol without IP addresses
A ptoperly implemented solution will be able to route packets without IP, I believe
We can’t even get mainstream ISPs to support IPv6 in the last 25 years.
Yeah, I don’t know if it will be taken seriously. But if then It’d be nice.
Also, this sounds like it will require way too much intelligence in the network itself
Yes that can be a disadvantage
isn’t that an overlay network running on Top of IP? can’t someone just deny access?
what if someone is using Tor to hack your services? Then you will be blocking Tor exit IP,therebty also censoring Tor users.
Overlay networks like Tor has another problem too, you will have to trust the network nodes, and someone can just run a lot of nodes to control a big portion of the network, or can just deny acces to the network.
instead of removing maybe hide the post and let a mod review it? I say let it report all pornographic post and let the mods choose what should be allowed