I noticed that mentioning commands you want gives good results e.g.:
I want to replace line with HOSTTOOLS += " svn"
in all layer.conf files under current directory
by usingfind
If it’s more complicated, pasting parial scrript for LLM to finish gave better results (4 me),
than pure prompt text.
I use white vinegar cca. 1dl. I pour it after first water intake and I put detergent between first and second water intake.
I noticed better stain removal, color retention and smell improvement.
I may be under the influenece of placebo effect, but to me laundry seem to be washed better with addition of vinegar.
a fellow worshiper of da bomb
no imagination and I thpught it was funny image (current acc avatar)
sorry for hijacking the comment thread,
for those that are in EU (lets say they order via amazon.de)
what would You(also accepting anyones recommendations) recommend?
'cause they’re dumb
countries are run practically by “legal” mobs
plus people are just too docile and too easily distracted by infraction distraction.
There is a saying: “we need the eligible, not the capable”
basically any job that can be fixed (any job in institutions that are not private firms like: municipal, school, infirmary, hospital) is obtained through political membership card and any position that can weight influemce can only go to sheeple. (from principals, police cheifs, heads of non-governmental organizations, etc.)
So other people just lost interest in politics. So now politicians and government are not selected by people but sheeple.
not entirely,
dumb tv turns on in maybe up to 3s
while “smart” tv still needs more than 30s
so now you have crapiest dumb tv on your hands
Yakuza 0, first time playing yakuza games an it’sfirst game of 2025
I can’t find it on my PC anymore, but it’s ringing to me that you needed to login with your Mi account.
edit: plus wait 72h(?)
I have their phone and you need to use their windows app to unlock it.
kinder egg easily no. 1
provided link shows 404, maybe it expired?
current ones I notice: dissapearing(temporary game restart recovers them) saves from load/save menu, player glitches (releasing ladder allows for brief 3rd person view), vehicles dissaperaing near player
What we usualy do is write what re(edit: how we) read e.g.:
transit -> tranzit
scale -> skala
band -> bend
buisness -> biznis
display -> displej
eins -> anjs
anlasser -> anlaser
ziegel -> cigla
ziehverschluss -> cifersluš
böbrek -> bubreg
yastık-> jastuk
reggipetto -> ređipet
scatola -> škatola
asciugamano -> šugaman
ambassade -> ambasada
clochard -> klošar
directeur -> direktor
balkan ones: serbian croatian, slovenian, …
you read as you write, no bogus letters(and sounds)
I unlocked my POCO f4 pro less than year ago on Windows 10 Pro and Ryzen 5 5600X without a hich.
got it bundled in Jazz Jackrabbit Collection form GOG’s Christmas sales
so much nostalgia