• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I know there’s the Cenotaph helmet that buffs trace rifles and give special to companions that might work. I was wondering about fallen sunstar for buffing ionic traces, but not sure how to synergize that with ionic sentry and the new arc blast. I’ve seen Esoterickk use crown of tempests but tickle fingers seems a little underwhelming.

  • I’m afraid you’re going to lose your patience, but that’s okay. :)

    Depending on the child, sleep can be a very challenging experience. It may be a “phase” but may run longer than you’d hope.

    You can look at switching from two naps to one nap or trying for a bit more play before the evening bedtime. Maybe some noise machine if you think that the waking up is due to environmental factors.

    Any way, hang in there… you’re doing great!