• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023


  • If you did some research, you would know that an iframe has an encapsulated DOM tree, meaning that nothing outside its scope can access it.

    Though a ‘message system’ can be set up between the iframe (child) and the host (parent), then you may be able to run codes inside the iframe. But that makes it EXTREMELY risky, which is also why it is encapsulated in the first place.

    A more stable approach would be if the Dev exposed some functionalities of those iframes, if they are plugins perhaps we can configure them like how we can configure the current comment’s plugin to add new features or build a completely new custom interface with it, eliminating the need of employing an iframe.

  • It would mean that we could set secret or sensitive values like API keys, passwords or configuration settings directly in the environment or Perchance server instead of hardcoding them into the app.

    This will grant a security as these values would not be exposed in the app’s public code where anyone can check the values.

    An environment variable refers to a dynamic value stored in a system’s environment.

    These variables are key-value pairs like variable = value where the variable is visible to the public but value itself remains hidden.
