+1 for Mojeek. I use it on a daily basis.
+1 for Mojeek. I use it on a daily basis.
I use League of Legends regions. Except for one of them which is not a region but is called “lantern” after the Thresh’s lantern in which souls are trapped.
Hard to get in EU. If anyone knows a way to get one in EU (no Amazon), let me know. The issue is the shipping cost.
Mom beaten by my dad during childhood. Images I could not describe that only Alzheimer could take away.
Oh merci ! C’est vraiment incroyable. Pas évident l’utilisation des split tabs par contre. Je suis en train de voir si y a pas des raccourcis clavier ou autre. Pareil le mode compact est légèrement frustrant sur ma config avec mon tiling management, ça ne détecte pas bien que je mets le curseur à gauche. Mais à part ça, c’est adopté !
Pour l’instant je kiffe bien. Je n’arrive juste pas à trouver comment afficher mes onglets en split view. Il y a un retour que j’aimerais leur faire c’est que les pinned tabs puissent être communs à tous les workspaces.
Ça m’a donné envie d’essayer dès demain. Je suis actuellement sur LibreWolf.
Kinda long to read : https://d-shoot.net/kagi.html
I used to but people behind are bastards so I don’t give money to them anymore.
It made me think of how I use search engines and most of the time I go on the same websites so I try to avoid search engines.
I use Mojeek with their focus feature (it is like lenses of Kagi). If I really need a search engine I use Mojeek with no focus, but most of the time the results are not good enough so I give them a feedback and go back on Duckduckgo.
“My hammer is not well suited to cut vegetables” 🤷
There is so much to say about AI, can we move on from “it can’t count letters and do math” ?
Yep so you have to “switch user” after that on computer and mobile where your old email is remembered.
It is possible here I think : https://vault.bitwarden.com/#/login
Edit: after logging in : settings -> my account (if I recall correctly)
The link to this web page is available on the app : settings -> about -> Bitwarden web vault
Discovered about rg recently and it is cool!
Beware if sound is too loud in headphones, you might want to lower it down : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVBhMlMWi0Q
For french speaking people also there is this one, tho you may understand it if you are not a french speaker. The only thing to know to understand context is the show “Hot Ones” : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5rlZRlZVSY
Edit: just noticed there aren’t english subtitles on the last one. :(
I do not have the solution to your problem but I may have a hint. I had this exact problem years ago. The only thing I recall is that there is a difference between sleep and hibernate and maybe your computer goes in hibernation mode. Try disabling it to see if the cause is sleep mode or hibernate mode (or both).
Sorry I don’t have the solution. If you find it, let us know!
Edit: you may want to look at this https://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/435.17/README/powermanagement.html
Yes, I loved Game of Thrones tho. (Last seasons are terrible tho).
I’ll keep your other suggestions somewhere, thanks !
I understand. But that’s not how I understood the topic. I gave my reason and I would understand someone saying “waow this movie was a reference for everyone in [genre] but I don’t get it because I don’t enjoy this genre of movie”.
But besides this, LoR is incredibly long as fuck and I didn’t get anything about the movie because I could not focus on it. It bored me really quickly. I’m not sure it is due to its genre. I guess I should watch other movies of this genre to know. If you have any suggestions ! 😊
Good thing I can’t see the downvotes on my instance! 😎
People are free to do whatever they want but they are misusing the downvote button here in my opinion. 🤷
Lord of the ring. I think I just don’t like this kind of movies.
I’m afraid of horses because their mouth is in their fucking nose and they have big scaring teeth.