It’s worse. Even the ones who would fix it on their own will get up in arms about being made to. If they do it on their own, they can feel good about themselves; if they have to do it, they don’t get that sense of moral superiority
It’s worse. Even the ones who would fix it on their own will get up in arms about being made to. If they do it on their own, they can feel good about themselves; if they have to do it, they don’t get that sense of moral superiority
I think it’s plastic erosion that matters more in this instance
Show off
Real heads start with Arena
This is the correct thing to do. Get as much down in writing as you can, in as much detail as you can. Recollections are fine, just so you have a trail of what happened for future reference
Damn that’s irritating
Have you tried getting it from ollama? Don’t know the details of your error, but I suspect it can at least pick up after a discount e
S&P Opened 1% lower than Friday
Palm rolling in its grave. Such a great os that just chopped up and sold :(
Ultra wide-screen monitors think they’re so cool. Meanwhile this piece of beauty has been with us the whole time
Highly recommend (re)learning cursive! I wouldn’t write at all if I was still using block letters. Takes a year and a day just to write a single paragraph
Capitalists will sell the hot, trans waifus used to destroy them
Huh, figured you’d need an ADR for them.
Had pretty strong issues with it on a first read. It felt like there was far too many location specific plot points with characters needing to align themselves just so (to the point it almost felt slapstick).
That said, I just found my copy over the holidays and plan to give it another shot
Hello fellow Saunders-head :)
Fun fact, those glasses are very similar to the gorilla glass that we use on phone screens
No worries :) one of the better kept secrets in selling short stories for sure
When I was first publishing short stories, the best single piece of advice I received was to use thegrinder.diabolicalplots.com It’s a repository of (most) journals and magazines that publish short stories/novellas. Definitely skews more SFF than strictly literary, but it was truly revolutionary in getting my stories to actual publications. I think it does poetry as well, but poetry was always way too difficult for me lol.
Also, if you want someone to beta read your stories just shoot me a DM and I’ll be happy to provide feedback/tips :) Good luck, and don’t get discouraged by rejections in the beginning!
I’ve seen this said several places, but haven’t seen anyone give a concrete example (at all, let alone on such a scale). I suppose there’s locations in Ukraine/Russia where it happens, though I suspect that Google isn’t just going to side with Russia on that one