As far as I have seen, he gives me hope for the future of this world, especially considering how young he is.
Wait, there’s a bio section and insert Parenti quote
As far as I have seen, he gives me hope for the future of this world, especially considering how young he is.
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas…
Thats the one! Yeah Lawrence is crazy you can find some of the whitest most petite bougie crackers to commies tatted up to their ears, both born and raised from there. Sooooo many hippies, such contrast to the other cities and rural obviously, though homesteader types are sprinkled throughout the Northeast.
There’s this one mural of him you see everywhere, he does a t pose lol I think it might have some historical significance but as I kid I always thought it looked funny. Also Lawrence has a whole identity wrapped around being launch pad for the ‘Free State’, but I hear it’s mainly just a bunch of drunk college kids and suburban sprawl now.
Crazy how many things are named after metals, just the other day I realized Plumber and the latin word for lead Plumbum were related, and the horrifying tangent being all pipes for most of history were made with lead and thus Plumber is just lead worker, and the title carries that history despite modernly being associated with Mario and more than enough sexual innuendos. Wild.
How does this affect Iran’s position against the Empire? I admittedly know little of it’s internal politics and I assume Raeisi isn’t the strongman glue keeping the anti imperial alignment in working order like Putin, and Iran will still be able to overcome this with comparatively little internal strife to other anti imperialist nations. Such a dumb fucking way to go in a critical time, rest in peace.
False, Pyro is who enbys wanna be but never will
I keep on mixing it up with Hanna-Barbera, as in the Scooby Doo animation studio😭
Third time’s the charm…
I completely forgot it was April fool’s, I was about to start having a jokerfying moment
Harambe apparently means communal labour in Swahili
It’s interesting to think about, I believe it stems from whatever perspective of gender roles you grew up in- especially division of chore labour lol- and probably others my ignorant cis ass is unaware of, but you still are affected by how others work within their views so even in a much more fluid upbringing, your immediate community plays a huge role.
I had a split family for the middle of my childhood, the age where I really began to question life as is, and thus very different perspectives.
In Both houses I was the eldest son. In my main home with my mother, we didn’t have a father figure in the later years, but she was all hippie dippie and gender roles only came into place in practice when i had to do grunt work or my older sister cleaned up. For the most part we never really had chores, we all severe ADHD and , I’m slightly embarrassed to say this word, trauma. But when shit goes down I’m the one who has go deal with stuff, and in that sense I’m considered masculine as I am seen as expendable. It does hurt when I have gripes with my mother, and only because shes the authority figure and - like most people- is a mixed bag of good and bad qualities, she puts my genuine issues with her in the box of “misogynistic hatred”. So I never had gender roles until it was productive to put at my expense. The other houses was pretty Nuclear, with my father and stepmom, (tho my Father and gender could be a chapter on its own) I was the kid who had to clean up poop and pee and mow the lawn, but respect was always an us and them with the step siblings with us being the underlings. I hated that house and was the middle child, they always had this cast of me being awkward introvert but really I tried to get away from them as much as possible lol. And thus I was sort of taunted for my lack of masculine aggression by my older sisters and stepmom.
I was a very… different child. I was wild, but as caring as I was crazy. The stereotypical spikey hair blonde ADHD boy, didn’t get an official diagnosis til covid as my dad didn’t want a label but im sire everyone knew. I sorta had a group of guy friends around elementary school, but I ended befriending the warrior Cats kids, not really held together by gender as more our autism. That was my main group up till highschool, not much about roles other than my friend making a bunch of incel comments, she later came out as trans so what do you do lol. She’ll come up later if I care to write the sexuality portion ;). I was defacto the only guy in the group but none of them were really gender presenting except for a cis girl. During all of this I was always that kid who would talk to anyone, but once highschool came I drifted from that friend group and into the new uncharted sea of hundreds of people I could meet, I was ecstatic.
I say I would talk to anyone but more and more my friends tended women rather than men, I always felt more comfortable with them, more emotional and mentally stimulating. In the beginning I was always teased by my friends for being their gay best friend or whatever, but as puberty completed during covid I became actually pretty masculine presenting, taller broader suddenly muscular, and became somewhat of a flirt. Never really dated or went on dates but I would dazzle with words so to say. Here I really felt cemented in a masculinity. Though boyfriends certainly weren’t shaking in their boots lol.
I also had to deal with girls, especially when we were younger, saying I was the one good man or something, made me uncomfortable being idealized like that.
Guys never made fun of me or anything strangely, I was very loud and never had that self consciousness in the teenage way. I do have a tendency to get giggly around men, take the role of a SpongeBob, and I find myself complementing guys because it never happens to us and I like giving a genuine compliment. And so I was never really self conscious about bro and dude stuff, but feminity isn’t something I ascribe to or even care about. Infact most of the people in my life who had gender roles on me were cis women but that could also be because most of the people in my life ARE women. I think I’m too extreme of an individual to get your average view point but it’s interesting none the less.
Being a cis boy raised lacking gender roles and having the world defaulting as masculine. I never really HAD to think about presenting my gender, it just was. I knew of those cartoonish Manospheres but they seemed so out of touch ideologically i never really ascribed to it. I knew of gender but I didn’t know them personally. So I don’t really care for the extremes but still sometimes think about feel uncomfortable with the idea of being a woman, but not in the girls have cuties way. Gender expression does make me wonder if young men trying to present masculine is toxic or is it the specific trends of those communities, I’m sure someone much smarter could answer.
I think it’s also interesting too, being raised immersed only in English, gender isn’t really something I think about, and I’m interested to see if dysphoria rates are higher in places where the language has stricter gender grammar.
But Sun Tzu said appear weak when you are strong 🤓
You haven’t seen pictures of Xi in his younger years 👀
I thought the UK already has nukes what the hell does this even do?
Is Chile the best or worst country for high speed rail?
Thing with AI is they don’t even need be the ultra intelligent genie in a bottle to have an impact. It’s the quantitative potential which will shape the workforce. I’m speaking on behalf of the creatives, can’t speak for IT but I assume it’s similar.
Sorry I had giant spiel I was working on but honestly it just deserves to be developed further into an essay lol.
I’ll just list some points I guess.
-Portfolio based jobs, learn as you go. Professional artists right now with years of work experience should be fine, as the art from ai is just slop once you start paying attention to anything other than just how detailed it is. Symbolism, meaning, telling a story through the scene. Ai can’t do composition, let alone that. Not to mention of the greatest parts of art is the human connection, but still drawing/painting/whatever is hard to make accurate. And so can do that, eventually, but it can fit dirt cheap and doesn’t strike. Even though beginner artists can do the higher level symbolism and composition, where they fall flat is the detail and AI acts a barrier to entry.
-Smaller artist “start ups” if you will have a horrible selection process with how much ai junk you have to soft through. Ai has totally bloated the portfolio process.
-Most main stream garbage is already recycled so AI isn’t even going to change the main stream, but again finding the quality content will be harder and harder.
-Silver lining is petite bourgeois jobs being the creatives and IT (also already left leaning) will finally be losing their special status.
-I think in a socialist state AI art could be kept in as a source of raw material for a giant artist organization to train younger artists to work with, so not only are artists elevated to a more abstracted position in the process, but then we won’t have AI art clogging up every single space.
Sorry I’ve been meaning right around this fir a while so this really just acts as a little brain dump. Also ran out of time lol. I’m a goofball.
Yeah but I remember vividly at a party two libs saying that but then immediately after “but communism doesn’t work”. Both are die hard “socialists not communists” centrists and one’s the pastiest gusano I’ve ever seen.
Definitely, I wish I knew some media that covers Africa as a whole. With all of the US’s attention on the Russian, Chinese, and Iranian corners of Asia, it has neglected both Latin America and Africa in political struggle. Unlike the former’s proximity to the US, Africa is capable of mobilizing decolonial struggle with much more force. I think there is many reasons for this ‘sudden’ resistance. For one I think racism plays a role in the West underestimating African potential to challenge it (plus there’s no chosen big bad boogey man to commit an arms race with). As well as not understanding all the political avenues of struggle due to the negligence and homogenization of the diverse cultures of Africa. But secondly I think the alienation of Africa’s natural resources from the finance brained West via industrial middle men countries like China, leads the West to totally negate Africa in the manufactured products they consume, or at least I haven’t seen much awareness of it.