Nice butthole
Nice butthole
The odds are good but the goods are odd.
Far right by a long shot.
Nice butthole
I’d stick my tongue so far up your ass whoever managed to pull me out would be crowned king of England
Nice butthole
Fantastic content, thank you for sharing
Nice butthole
I’ve explained it’s shaved like 30,000 times and I continue to 0-0 not trying to lie and distort the truth. The cactus was shaved for safety and it didn’t hurt me 😳 other than that, thank you for the kind message <3
Direct from the Reddit post
If it makes you feel better she confirmed nothing prickly actually went inside. Think she said she carved it down or something.
Boy do I have a post for you.
There’s no shame in going to a hooker to break the seal. Don’t look for the cheapest one, spend a little and get a GFE girlfriend experience. Be freshly showered and groomed, tell them you’re a virgin, if you have any way of getting a Cialis before hand definitely take one so your nerves don’t kill your hardon. Do not visit anywhere you think there’s even the most remote possibility of the women being trafficked. Well known establishments or self employed only.
Beyond that, work on self respect. Going to the gym helps both your physique and self respect, if that’s something you’re capable of committing to then it’s one of your best means of self improvement.
Are you respected in your work? Do you respect what you do for work?
How are you around other men? Do you have at least one or two core male friends you can just be a dude around? Maybe ones that are in relationships or are better with women that you can see how to interact with them?
When you have your shit sorted, self respect and some social savvy, women still won’t come to you but they won’t be scared away as easily. Don’t be afraid to go for women you aren’t conventionally attracted to, something you and them can both have fun with even if it isn’t meant to last. Any notch is a confidence boost.
Best of luck brother
It’s a hard job but somebody has to do it
Do you show your butthole on there?
Oh I’m sorry you must answer in the form of a question
I know what I’m about son.
Also I guess someone removed/deleted my comment because I sure as hell didn’t.
Jesus fuck what the christ