I got a Steamdeck in November. Is Sufi considered patient? If not, I restarted Witcher III again.
I got a Steamdeck in November. Is Sufi considered patient? If not, I restarted Witcher III again.
This was the conversation I was totally hoping to see when I click on this. Thanks for brightening my day!
I always liked Betty better.
Thank you for writing this.
Dumb. UN Convention on Law of the Sea. I appreciate the free flow of goods and safe travel of people on the high seas.
What the PRC is doing is taking a shit on the internationally recognized ability to sail freely on the high seas (and in Vietnam and PI’s case - in their own territorial waters). So everyone who is complaining about Israel taking a shit on the UN better look at what China is doing in the SCS. Same, same.
I’ll just leave this here.
This is so fucked
I don’t know why you’re being down voted this is a legit concern
TurboGrapfx was cool because you could play on the console AND they had a game oh-like portable that could also play the games. It was BADASS!
It’s literally the only reason I ever had the pro account. The only reason. Ever since Andy left….
Thank you putting this together.
I’ve dropped emails to Schumer, Jeffries, and my local senator and congressmen to tell them that Biden should drop the fuck out. Those that are going to vote blue are going to vote blue regardless. No one who was voting against Trump is suddenly going to switch it up.
If Harris. Comes the pick, that’s the only wild card I see. She will alienate a lot of folks because she isn’t as progressive as media is making her out to be. And let’s face it…racism and sexism.
This is cool. Thank you for sharing
Your comment and the one above should be shared widely these days. Everyone should know this.
It’s is. Each military designates their members by the operational (occupational) specialty. Each Service does it different. For example, Navy doesn’t use MOS in conversation, Army does.
This is a really cool idea. Thank you for sharing.
That’s crazy. I’m still working on the second area on normal mode. Super fun melee combat though.
As a console gamer, I love the steamdeck.