Oh interesting, didn’t know that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on it ☺️.
Oh interesting, didn’t know that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on it ☺️.
I also hope the engraving lasts for a considerable amount of time 😅. Don’t think they offer filled engraving but that would’ve been very interesting to experiment with!
Ha, fixed the URL - thank you for pointing it out 🥰. It’s a unibody split meaning it’s essentially a split keyboard in a unibody. Even though I like to type on a split keyboard while having them shoulders width apart the unibody format allows for easier transportation and typing on the lap while traveling.
As for the main features it …:
The case is 3D printed with PLA and currently no open sourced. The keycaps used are custom MBKs with Chicago Steno Homing from Pseudoku. If you have any other questions just let me know 😊.
Hehe, yeah you can map it to different things. I like to use it for ctrl+left and ctrl+right to quickly jump back and forth between words and also ctrl+pg up and ctrl+pg dn to quickly navigate between browser tabs.
Yep, that’s correct! That’s just one half of it so it’s indeed a 36 key keyboard - sorry for any confusions :)
Thank you! I used Fillamentum - PLA Crystal Clear Amethyst Purple for the case :)
Thanks for your questions:
The transition for me personally was fortunately pretty smooth due to having touch typed properly on a normal row staggered board. My first columnar staggered keyboard was the 3W6. It of course felt different and your muscle memories have to slightly adapt but it was worthwhile with the added comfort a columnar staggered board in a split layout provides. So if you are already touch typing properly I think you get used to it just fine. The harder part at the beginning will probably be finding the right keymap since having fewer keys using mod tap, combos and layers will be mandatory :D.
Very great and cute and awesome looking board! Can’t wait to start typing on mine.
beautiful build as always 😍