So he’s got like what, 48 hours before a tragic slip and fall?
So he’s got like what, 48 hours before a tragic slip and fall?
And they would call that, “The Making of (a) Dune”.
I’ll see myself out.
Yet somehow, each one still tastes exactly the same. Like old, burnt sugar.
I know this sounds bonkers, but Lion’s Mane mushroom extract. I tried it after I was unable to get my Vyvanse for a few days, and it’s a very clean awake feeling, no jitters. I use it on the weekends so I can save Vyvanse for work days now that the supply is iffy.
Low blood sugar. 100%. Get that man a Snickers stat and he’ll be back to his sex trafficking, child raping self.
What oil did you use?
Those look amazing! I’m a sucker for fried green tomatoes.
Annnnnnd I see that now, haha.
What’s with all the down votes? Regardless of this situation even, I’m confident a good amount of people in the US still have no clue what communism really is… or fascism, Marxism, banana republic, etc. I was constantly told in my childhood to watch out for communists, long before I was old enough to understand. The indoctrination continues.
Nothing manlier then diabetes.
I fill a glass of International Delight Caramel Macchiato and add dark roast coffee as needed to thin it out. 1 to 1 1/2 ounces of coffee is the sweet spot.
Yes! I thought the original was just a fever dream I had. It was far superior. Bring it back.
To each their own! I don’t have your memory unfortunately, haha.
It’s a statement. All gorillas are in zoos. The end is near.
Take photos. Take them all the time. You don’t even need to have a reason. I’m not that old, but I think all the time how I wish I had more pictures from my adolescent years. With film, you measured your photo taking opportunities. And when you did take one, there’s a ton of ways it could go wrong. The odds of getting exactly what you were looking at, in focus, without your thumb covering half the lens varied greatly. Hell, a decent camera was an investment. I used disposable cameras a ton… which were a total crap shoot. And then you had to STORE THE PICTURES. and holy hell, save those negatives. No telling when you might need to get a second print of that orange double exposure where it looks like your face is peering out of your cats asshole. Digital storage is only getting cheaper. Cameras are only getting better and cheaper. I didn’t have cell phone cameras that were decent until my 30s. TAKE PICTURES.
Golf clap for letter soup. I applaud you.
I think one of those dudes had a GoPro on their helmet. Fierce.