Unless I’m missing something, you’ve calculated the Medicare/Medicaid spending against the entire US population when most Americans have private insurance (as of 2022). https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-281.html
Unless I’m missing something, you’ve calculated the Medicare/Medicaid spending against the entire US population when most Americans have private insurance (as of 2022). https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-281.html
China, if you’re listening…
Interesting, never heard of that. I’ve certainly obtained EINs that begin 95-…
Reserved for employer identification numbers.
And if we have another 2016, Trump can appoint Thomas and Alito’s successors, and maybe some more, with more Federalist Society hacks.
Well yeah, the decision was leaked early.
Sure, Dems absolutely should have codified it. However, a federal law protecting abortion rights as health care against the religious freedom of a regional Catholic hospital’s beliefs not to save a mother’s life with an abortion would be the test case and I’m pretty sure I know how 5 of the Justices would vote. This SCOTUS know they have unchecked power and are no longer afraid to wield it.
As if these zealots wouldn’t have ruled it unconstitutional or slowly weakend it with a series of cases anyway. See recent decisions gutting Voting Rights Act, weakening the Clean Water Act, Campaign Reform Act of 2002, Dodd-Frank and other federal laws.
As opposed to some dipshits getting carte blanche to disenfranchise voters in bad faith because the other candidate won.
Dreamcast is not the same console as Genesis. Dreamcast was released in 98.
Trusts and estates for high net worth clients.
My comment is that this is already a rogue court when the case aligns with their beliefs.
They literally ruled in one case this term with a fake situation that never happened ( 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis) and then lied about the background facts in another (Kennedy v Bremerton), both in favor of “injured” Christians.
And stealing funds from charities which resulted in shutting down your eponymous foundation.
One of the perks of being older is we smoke or bbq to have a meal prior to the session. We’ve had brisket, chili, smash burgers, tri tip, brats, etc.
Pretty sure a SCOTUS justice said that they can’t trust prosecutors to not do this just a month ago.
Ugh, that sucks. Who knows how far your Prius could have gone otherwise.
I was looking at a 3 when it was first announced, but I’m driving my Prius till it dies. Sucks Toyota supported the election deniers.
I live in the LA area and saw 3 of those stupid cyber trucks last week. I see a lot of 3s, the occasional X and S too. But the 3 and Y are everywhere, almost all are in white only. They’re almost as ubiquitous as the Civic and Carolla were in the 90s and early 00s.
Both my local SoCal Costco’s have outdoor food courts. You have to scan your card at them. One has a table with self serve kiosks for ordering too, then you queue up to get your food handed to you.
It’s not an apples to apples cost comparison if the costs for UK and Canada literally covers everyone and the US calculation covers 1/3 of the population.