Didn’t click on your links. But LEA does this move against any network that may offer anonymization. Don’t use Tor hidden services. Don’t go near I2P. Stay away from Freenet…etc. This even includes any platform that is seen as not fully under control, like Telegram at some point.
In its essence, this move is no different from “Don’t go near Lemmy because it’s a Putin-supporting communist platform filled with evil state agents”.
Does any network that may offer anonymization (even if misleadingly) attract undesirable people, possibly including flat out criminals? Yes.
Should everyone stay away from all of them because of that? That’s up to each individual to decide, preferably after seeing for themselves.
But parroting “think of the children” talking points against individual networks points to either intellectual deficiency, high susceptibility to consent-manufacturing propaganda, or some less innocent explanations.
In any rust project, you start with API docs, and the examples folder if one exists. Just make sure the examples belong to the current version you will depend on, not the master/main branch. The link above is from v0.13.1 for example.