When it would create unnecessary waste. Like, oh I bought product X, but 2 weeks later company X has revealed they did something aweful. I won‘t throw it away, just use it until it breaks and the move on to someone different.
When it would create unnecessary waste. Like, oh I bought product X, but 2 weeks later company X has revealed they did something aweful. I won‘t throw it away, just use it until it breaks and the move on to someone different.
Considering my personal onedrive wants to share everything I share with write permissions to the general public I’ve had a different experiance. But I certainly understand your point.
Woudl you like to buy Doctor Binsemanns Bevertail extract? It cures cancer, aids, std’s, headaches, stupid and much much more! Its even cheaper than insulin! Only $59.99 per 50ml
You mean like that? Been there, seen that, I know why I pay for kagi and YT Premium and have adblockers everywhere else.
Ok what did I miss?
Still have Apollo installed, and just installed Mlem. At this point I‘m not going to bother with going back to the frontpage of unawnsered questions
Ich lebe in Österreich und bekomme das KlimaTicket über meinen Arbeitgeber drastisch vergünstigt. 180€ statt der ~1100€. Alleine aus diesem Grund war ich letztes Jahr ca 50000km auf der Schiene unterwegs anstatt zu anderen Methoden wie Auto zu greifen.
Wer hätte es kommen sehen, dass die Öffis mehr genutzt werden wenn man sie sich leisten kann? Also die DB und die ÖBB sicherlich nicht!
Wohl eher 3. besten Armee auf ukrainischem Territorium… die Wagner Gruppe würde ich hier doch noch zählen.
Ehm ja Entschuldigung, zu befreien und entnazifizieren!
Sonst droht Russland mit Nuklearkrieg und mobilisiert 55 T34 Panzer und versucht damit die Instanz zu erobern!
Gamebalancing in a nutshell
Thats one hell of a distance, I really need to look more of these projects. But in my corner of europe people like to block these projects even tho they are so important
The main issue with this plan, in my opinion, is that there (atleast seem) to be no redundant links. African countries barely manage to share borders, not to talk about rivers and resources, for the sake of safety this system should have atleast 2 links to different neighbours.
The distance is still a killer for that, it would either require to build an AC line from Morocco to Spain, a highly politically charged region or a high voltage dc line from Tunisia to Italy, which is quite the distance to cover.
Dirty tricks, MI6.