For me it’s Brütal Legend. It came out at the height of my metal phase and I just became obsessed with it, I think I’ve fully played through it at least 12 times.
Just finished replaying Dragon Age Inquisition, wanted to pick it up again after Veilguard. It’s a lot better than I remember it being but holy fuck is it bloated. I could spend ten hours playing it and accomplish nothing, I’m really glad they went back to smaller hub zones in Veilguard.
Didn’t have a playstation growing up, so most of the titles I’m missing are exclusives that never got ported to pc.
The cat school medallion is something she gets during the books, she takes it from an assassin who killed its previous owner.
Having read the manga up to date, it never really goes to the same extent of that first episode/chapter. There’s definitely typical anime fanservice-y stuff and I wish it didn’t have even that, but the most egregious of it is that first episode.
Been playing Dragon Age Veilguard basically nonstop since it released. I’m very pleasantly surprised that it’s as good as it is after the development hell that it had, definitely missing some of what made the older games special in terms of story and characters but actually playing it has been a blast.
I recently got my hair cut too, in a more fem style as well! Usually I’m really afraid of cutting my hair but this was really gender affirming and the salon I went was all run by queer people too, so I felt super comfortable with them.
Sonic the Edgehog
Where I live almost every building skips any floors that have a ‘4’ in them.
To his credit he did improv stuff, I even ended getting the bugbears to team up with our party, he just admitted that he really hadn’t planned for any of us to do anything like that.
I remember playing DnD with my bf’s parents and family friend, all old school players, and they were all baffled that I wanted to play as a kindly full orc druid. The dm was so unprepared for me to try and talk to the bugbears we encountered that they genuinely didn’t have any story planned for them.
People like this really just say “if this thing i made up was a thing, thatd be super cool!” and then post it like they did something.
I still remember the first time I wore a dress. Me and my partner decided to dress as Morticia and Gomez Addams for halloween like 6 years ago, and when I tried on my costume I realised just how good it made me feel and I just started to cry from joy.
(Funny side note, my partner who dressed as Gomez, is now taking testerone)
I actually really appreciated the discussion from that post even if I didn’t fully agree. I just love media analysis and criticism.
There’s Xtra, it’s Canada based but it covers some American stuff too, and it doesn’t shy away from trans issues.
Hard to believe he was trying to follow the source material when he was sole writer for that awful witcher anime that pinned a bigoted pogrom on its victims.
Kiroshi cyberoptics. I feel like people really sleep on how useful super eyes would be.
You could give Respect The Dead a shot, it’s a similar idea to Behind The Bastards but I find it to be a lot funnier and less lib.
Don’t give up comrade, I had been applying for 9 months before I heard back from this place.