Whenever people ask why anyone makes open source software for free, I’m going to use this as a metaphor.
Whenever people ask why anyone makes open source software for free, I’m going to use this as a metaphor.
Dang, a whole dollar? I would sell origami tanks for 25¢ each, didn’t realize people would pay more than that.
I thought so too. I remember looking for alternatives for when it would be removed completely.
This ridiculous article is what led me to unsubscribe from his newsletter altogether.
As far as I know, nothing really changed as a result of them stepping down.
This is not valid JSON.
That’s you assuming all things are equal.
What’s more, there was a recent discussion about why the derive feature is recommended in serde, and one of the points brought up was that the versions for both crates basically have to be equal. I couldn’t help but wonder, would this be a problem if the releases actually followed semver? Theoretically, it shouldn’t matter what versions you use, as long as they’re above a certain minor version and the major versions match. But since everything is a patch, we have to pin the two crates together somehow.
Probably a spicy take, but I think any API being used by a macro should be made public. A macro shouldn’t be the only way to do something; it should just be a way to remove the boilerplate required to do it.
I’m sure that copy of mother 3 is bootleg, right?
I had a similar experience. Never played the Hoenn games, but I have copies of both FireRed and LeafGreen.
The worst part is, she probably got very little for those Pokemon games that are now worth $100+ a piece.
There are also plenty of purposeful semver violations. For example, serde
makes basically no attempt to follow semver, and any pleas to do otherwise fall on deaf ears.
Low key actually worth a small fortune. This is a great selection.
Oh good, maybe now they’ll stop trying to force me to use it on the regular YouTube app.
I’ve seen similar things done on other communities on Lemmy, and it always drives me nuts. Every single post on c/Technology is like this, making the whole community feel soulless and inactive.
Also, the amount of low quality questions or posts thinking they’re in r/PlayRust that would be posted would drive me up the wall. I’ve been glad to be away from that.
I think people consider it a fiasco because of the amount of backlash, drama, and accusations that surrounded it. The whole thing showed failures in the way things were decided and communicated as well.
What the hell industry do you work in, then?