Sexual peccadillos [+ religion] have dethroned kings. Can’t threaten a person w/ revealing their bedroom secrets if no one gives af.
Sexual peccadillos [+ religion] have dethroned kings. Can’t threaten a person w/ revealing their bedroom secrets if no one gives af.
One of our summertime favorites! Might add a few ribbons of fresh basil at serving time if feeling bougie.
Head to: https://archive.ph/
Copy the URL of the paywalled article into the “I want to search the archive for saved snapshots” textbox! [blue, bottom box]
Can also archive an article for others to use if you copy a non-paywalled article into the “My url is alive and I want to archive its content” textbox. [red, top box]
– Editing to add – can also just append “archive.is/” to the beginning of the URL and it will take you to the list of non-parywalled, archived versions of the article
[https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2024/01/fetal-maternal-cells-microchimerism/676996/] becomes
Jumped the paywall and found this: https://archive.is/2PvZ5
How about something from Alan Parsons Project? Though not difficult to replicate the sound outside of a studio, there was always this rumor of them being a “studio only” band, with a zero chance of seeing them live. Of course that wasn’t true, but it is still some kind of urban legend that I always associate with them.
Archived version: https://archive.is/klXLY
That nose is too much 😻 Does he have a pink bean or two??
If I’d known I would have baked you a cake! Happy Birthday!!
Right? They don’t even bother acknowledging the real reason for the protest [Goldie held a fundraiser for the IDF + the firing of two pro-Palestinian employees]
Found a handy little Music Streaming Royalties Calculator thing in this article. It’s not 100% accurate because none of the services pay the same rate for every song, but it shows how huge the payout discrepancies are.
Love your kitty. And the cool, muted reflection on the fridge.
Gunwalkinger says what?
Just yesterday Biden pulled $334M out of his arse for more police funding! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/biden-administration-announces-334m-to-hire-police-officers-improve-security-at-schools/ar-AA1jhl2b
My current go-to is Paul Cooper’s Fall of Civilizations Podcast
Our bodies absolutely do not treat all calories equally
Was a beautiful day!!
I wanted to be a lawyer to fight for the oppressed
deleted by creator
Direct consequence of turning the health care system into a luxury expense only a few can afford to use, rather than funding health care as a necessity for all