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Joined 3 年前
Cake day: 2022年6月27日


  • Implying liberals hold themselves to a standard like reading up on things before commenting on them

    Even book worship has become a form of avoiding reading, people are just looking up “[Revolutionary] [topic]” to find some passage that seems to support their view and not bothering to read the pages of context before or after.

  • I find it refreshing to see a country that has serious, realistic and possibly pessimistic projections. They’re only expecting to surpass the competition on LNG carriers and be able to compete on aircraft in the coming 6 years, among a bunch of industries. Westerners usually predict they’ll cure cancer by 2030 (year of I won’t be in office anyway, slowly becoming 2035) and cure death by 2050. (year of my voters will be dead by then)

  • I’m of so many minds in this, no idea how to feel.

    Worst case scenario, this is actually a plan by the intelligence fuckers to cover their backsides better. The global south and any leftist worth a thing is now well aware and wary of anything that has to do with the NED. This could be a way to supply funds to their fascist puppets with even less scrutiny and notice.

    I’m really hoping this is just the bourgeois dictatorship putting itself through interesting times. Decades of anti-communist propaganda accrued to a debt to truth, wouldn’t it be wonderful if they’ve fallen for their own deception and that debt is due?

  • Astrology is extremely interesting as one of the practices in the interaction of the history of science and the history of religion. It’s quite a marvel to read what came from stargazing and how it shaped the stories that become myths and religions, comparing how different cultures interpreted the same astronomical events and so on. Most things that past societies did looking higher than the nearest ash or cypress tree falls under astrology. Yet none of that means you should take a goat to the nearest priest trained in haruspicy.

    As for the interesting things one can glean from some scam test, Orson Welles spent one day as a fortune teller and at the end of that day he was able to surmise a woman had recently lost her husband seemingly out of thin air. So don’t become a shut-eye, don’t needlessly lend your own unconscious analysis to things that don’t deserve it and don’t fall for something you dug for yourself.

  • The number is eeriely well written sarcastic comments here is almost concerning

    I dream of putting liberals in therapy contraptions like in a clockwork orange and make them watch videos of IOF just assaulting and murdering unarmed people, using people as human shields, aftermath of their bombings and so on. I’ll tell them it’s mcu if I have to

  • Plenty of comrades have good answers to the actual question, I have an idea as to why English language literature can’t seem to leave them behind.

    In the tradition of literature in many parts of the world (I want to say canon but I’m not sure that’s the right word) certain change took place not organically as time went on, but as the preeminent artists made conscious decisions on a certain direction. Sometimes genres were defined by the works of a few writers from a decade or two. Sometimes a couple famous poets started using a certain scheme and wrote on certain themes. I’m not saying this from a great man perspective, if the works of Asimov, Herbert or Le Guin has been published 50 years prior they’d have found no audience. I’m merely using the artist as a shorthand for the people and those who managed to reach them at the right time.

    I believe the fascination with monarchies and especially the unconscious connection between pre-modern times and monarchies can only fade in the absence of a class that takes advantage of the divine rule of kings and with a bunch of artists willing to do away with the old preconceptions, to write about historical settings with modern societies, i.e. real democracies. The reactionary in the walls of my mind is softly rebelling against the concept, but I don’t think there’s anything preventing this eventuality. After all, 99% of medieval stories don’t make use of our explore the feudal economic model their setting implies, meaning as long at the audience isn’t hostile, they wouldn’t question the potential anachronism deeply. After all, how many Tolkien fans actually investigate the modes of production?

  • Domenico Losurdo’s understanding of the NEP is consistent with that of the prominent German philosopher Walter Benjamin. During his 1927 visit to Moscow, Benjamin noted that the NEP created a separation between economic wealth and political power, with the Soviet state maintaining full political control while still allowing private economic activity. Benjamin saw that this exact separation created a ‘terrible social isolation’ of the ‘NEP man,’ as their wealth did not translate into political influence. Losurdo uses Benjamin’s insight to argue that although market reforms were introduced it did not bring back the capitalist system, as the Communist Party still held on to power.

    Missing this is the key to the fundamental misunderstanding of the China-critical supposed Communists. The US and its vassals have always been ruled by their wealthy elites, more clearly since the 80s and almost explicitly since around '08. Elections take place as the supposed expression of people’s will, yet the successors fundamentally keep to the policies of their predecessors. In fact, this is a topic of joke among the populace, even as they keep calling their systems off governance democracies. Indeed, the main criticism a westerner can lob at China or other proletarian states is merely a revelation of their warped priorities, holding up their rubber stamp powers as true authority while ignoring all the means with which the governments China, Cuba, Vietnam, DPR Korea interact with, listen to and are held to account by their people.

    Truly, it takes ignorance of the realities of the PRC and of theory to claim the CPC does anything short of upholding Marxism-Leninism.