I’m guessing American? I mean sure, there’s some “support”, as in basically only from charities, aka government is a far-right shit show no matter the party, but shits still fucked over here too bud.
I’m guessing American? I mean sure, there’s some “support”, as in basically only from charities, aka government is a far-right shit show no matter the party, but shits still fucked over here too bud.
Cool list! Haven’t seen many of these, but I’ve another you can add: girl with all the gifts (2016). It’s pretty fun, more a late stage 28 days later style fast zombies, even has the same military captain (Dr who?).
Add to the weird billionaire death list, with his narcissism, maybe.
I mean, yeah? From what I’ve seen of Mark he seems super nice to anyone and supports everyone. The vid of the kid (fan) that won’t let go of hugging him cracks me up, Mark just calmly interviewing all the while, unphased 😂.
Cheddar is a pretty big go to cheese here, mature cuts through the mellow tomatoe-y bean flavour. Mozz + a more “strong” cheese could go well idk
Sam has a fun vid on the dairy ventures:
The rich get interest while the poor get debt. Tale as old as time tbh
I think, but don’t hold me to it, they’re talking on how since China isn’t exactly democratic, things get pushed through a lot quicker, like climate policies. I wouldn’t say it’s China’s intention to look like the “green superpower”, just that it gives a better geopolitical look to China. Just to make clear, I don’t support China, and likely never will without some national revolution and major reform (cough cough, fuck the CCP), only giving my thoughts.
Dude, you’re name is joking about native American genocide, stfu
Guy looks straight out of the old mad max movies
But more context for you, I went nhs for a diagnosis (adhd) and switched to Right to Choose after waiting a year. Estimate is half year till diagnosis now, not that I trust that though. Mental health services suck in the UK for a reason, a nefarious one, to slowly privatize the whole of UK healthcare. Look at dentistry as example, impossible to get a nhs dentist.
Didn’t know much on the UK post slave ban. Gives me some hope we’ll turn a 180 again somehow with our current problems
Not sure about engines, but when you “break in” a horse that doesn’t seem like much of a “rest” for the horse. More so indoctrination or submissive tactics.
From smoking to vaping to nicotine gum was my approach. Managed to keep to the gum until travelling, doing the cycle again now. Maybe offer nic gum if cravings hit OP? Idk, everyone’s different though
Rap snitches MF DOOM, for those wondering.
I’ve gone through (I think) the whole Culture series of Banks. Weirdly enough, they got recommended to me by a barber when I was ~15yrs. Sweet guy, he had no tv & read a shit tonne. I love the philosophical and/or societal talking points overarching each of Banks book most, I’m awful at recalling the actual stories. There’s identity crisis in Consider Phlebas, purpose in Player of Games, excession in the aptly named Excession, the list goes on really. Plus hyper sci-fi, so a bunch of wobbly physics and warfare situations going on. If you can’t tell, I love these books lol
Ironically that probably ousts out their minimal value harder. Not a good look forcing your “underlings” if productivity was good prior, and subsequently falls flat.
Cheers on the read. The bit on oil and hazardous waste was enlightening. Corporate America really will try to weasel out of anything huh
Lot of his work is inspired by his childhood during the war, hence all the soldier helmets used everywhere and ruinous buildings. How his life ended is just so sad.