Someone who knows me IRL, as in by name, reported me to the Estonian State Security Agency probably for that one time I flipped the bird at the Foreign Ministry or attending a Palestinian rally, waving both the South African and Palestinian flag, while donning a keffiyeh and one of those fancy hats from Nigeria. Most likely they recognized me from pictures taken.
UPDATE: The 3-hours long discussion was nowhere near as horrific as I’d envision. Even in this BalticraKKKer land, I was able to pretty openly like… quite literally, post. To put it briefly, it was basically explaining historic/material analysis and what critical support means. In the least likeliest of all places, lmao.
Lmao kapo is the funniest acronym one of the Baltic bandit states could’ve chosen for their state police
Definitely not a US vassal
Reminder to people that it’s important to be careful in what you do online and irl.
I always admire the bravery of adventurists, don’t get me wrong, but little gets achieved by even the most stupendous acts of bravery by people like Aaron Bushnell or Willem van Spronsen (I haven’t forgotten van Spronsen but, unfortunately, the world has).
I see people who post things online and I hear of people doing things irl that are going to attract the attention of the feds that I also count as a form of adventurism, and I also have a sincere appreciation of the courage it takes to do these things but we must remember that the internet is where praxis goes to die; nothing truly gets achieved online and that means fedbait posting likewise achieves nothing. We must also remember that attracting the attention of the feds through irl actions isn’t going to achieve our goals; it won’t help anyone in Palestine if we get ourselves arrested and thrown in jail because we happened to chant the wrong thing for fly the wrong flag. (Well I suppose it might help the settlers in Palestine…)
If you get yourself arrested for direct action like participating in a blockade, you have my uncritical support but if you get yourself arrested because you are publicly voicing your support for Hamas or you are flying the flag of the PFLP, you have my dismay.
Our governments would love nothing more than to have the pretext to surveil, infiltrate, and imprison us. We should not hand them that pretext willingly.
What’s the difference between adventurism and getting the goods? It has always been a matter of timing and mass support.
Learn from Aleksandr Ulyanov and always remember the reason why the only Ulyanov family member that the world remembers is Vladimir. Stay safe out there!
Well, I haven’t done anything of the sort like waving the Hamas flag nor chanting “infinite 7 Octobers on Shitrael” even while I was living in South Africa, where it would be perfectly legal. It probably really is some witch-hunt by some
who reads Estonian news and recognizes me, some guy from South Africa here in Tallinn, in a rally and instantly thinks “Hamas” because
/eesti says so due to the ICJ case.
Also I’ll be
by the time I’m there
Oh, there’s no doubt in my mind that what’s going on for you is due to some fuckwit who’d be the first person in the crowd to start goose-stepping when the fascists are marching in the streets.
I’m not trying to imply that you have personally done something ill-conceived, I’m just using your post to remind people that we should make sure we aren’t handing any free kicks to the people we oppose. If we aren’t preparing for the day when we get that knock at the door then we will be caught unaware, and that’s usually how they get you.
With that in mind, it would be a terrible affront to common decency if somebody was going around chanting “infinite 7 Octobers on Shitrael”.
Did a quick Google search and saw an NPR article claiming he’s become a symbol for the left and the right…
left is when progressive, right is when adventurism and violence
Grr. Fuck NPR.
Fr fr
arrested because you are publicly voicing your support for Hamas or you are flying the flag of the PFLP
Is this illegal in the states, or how can I check? I always assumed it was fine here (but they’d try and charge you with something else, obv they’re pigs (and yes I know OP isn’t))
In most of the
it’s illegal to display the even the Palestinian flag, which will be instantly taken as your typical “Hamas hamas hamas hamas hamas” drivel. Maybe in :estonia-burning: it isn’t illegal de jure as of yet…
But it’s expected they will also now start throwing shade at South Africa too, all things considered.
Fuck that’s grim. The EU is such a hellhole.
Wishing you the best in your case!
they can do electronic spying on an unlimited number of us but eventually they need to send somebody in to try to entrap us and they don’t have unlimited capacity for that.
i wonder if a deluge of dead-end fedposting would be useful cover for the people trying to do real shit.
Endless fedposting would just get the site taken down or end up justifying the FBI getting more money.
well yeah it needs to be spread out so they can’t just seize a domain
.cn domain when
What’s the charge?
ill find out tomorrow ig, probably some bullshit about “hate speech”. Or “antisemitism” because I follow the SAJFP.
It took literally five hours to scrounge up every possibly incriminating picture/meme/Twitter post to scrub my phone clean, lol
Dude the fking estonian fbi is literally called KAPO?
Yea lmfao
This is pretty funny to me
UPDATE: The 3-hours long discussion was nowhere near as horrific as I’d envision. Even in this BalticraKKKer land, I was able to pretty openly like… quite literally, post. To put it briefly, it was basically explaining historic/material analysis and what critical support means. In the least likeliest of all places, lmao
Yeah that face was sometimes the guy’s reaction when i pretty much started reciting Armed and Dangerous and Long Walk to Freedom.
“Hello i am a
i was referencing the maybe apocraphyal story of bordiga lecturing the germans when he was arrested in ww2 lol
cant find a source for it at the mo tho
I’m so glad you’re okay that still sounds like a fucking literal nightmare
stay safe
You’re great. A wonderful poster but please
and stay low for a little while.
I am taking necessary precautions to prevent my Hexbear activity from being seen (even scrubbed the emojis and post screenies from my devices and uploaded a .7zip backup to a friend). If I had a trace of my Hexbear activity on anything related to IRL, I would already have left and be in Kenya/Ethiopia right now most likely, waiting for a transit flight. A fair bit of my posts are
to :estonia-burning:.
I will be off before I go to sleep.
Good luck comrade, and fuck the aptly-named kapo
Good luck, be safe
They were just jealous of your drip
“BalticraKKKer” is my new bit