Oh. It took me a second to see the search query. : (
Have Palestinian forces murdered any hostages? I’ve only heard of hostages being killed by Israeli forces.
They keep “detaining them at hospitals” which I interpret as taking hostages to hospitals to receive treatment for wounds received during Israeli airstrikes
If only there was a way to keep Israeli hostages from being blown up inside hospitals.
Oh, well.
I don’t actually know. If they have I feel like it would be plastered everywhere.
There would be no way of knowing that unless a hypothetical witness escaped. But the ones who have been released have mostly given glowing reviews of their handlers’ hospitality.
The same thing happens when you try to search for information about torture committed by US and ARVN forces during the Vietnam War.
this happens to me on almost any search query where there are 2 terms that have a logically relevant order.
Fuck Google and fuck Western media
The explanation I heard was that Israel, as a nation-state, takes “prisoners,” while Hamas, as a non-state actor, takes “hostages.” Purely semantic difference, of course.