A family friend brought over a coffee machine yesterday. He wasn’t using it and thought we’d like it. LIKE it‽ Was so excited for it when the kids sent me a pic of it on the bench… grabbed some Grinders on the way home and OMG it’s like drinking a coffee flavoured cloud!
Yeah, I was a coffee maker (the word “barista” wasn’t around when I started) for around 11 or 12 years but always resisted getting a machine at home because cost but also I thought I’d end up being a bit of a wanker about it 😆
So I’ve joined the club
Ooooooooh fancy
Yeah, I was a coffee maker (the word “barista” wasn’t around when I started) for around 11 or 12 years but always resisted getting a machine at home because cost but also I thought I’d end up being a bit of a wanker about it 😆
Now that’s a great quality of life addition - great for the wallet too