Oooh! It’s superbowl day! How did I miss that?
This is the Australian masked owl from Tasmania. It is the largest Tyto owl in the world. Its plumage is highly variable. This owl is often confused with the Eastern Barn Owl. However, masked owls have much larger, powerful legs and a broader, rounded facial disc. This is one of our more elusive, shy owl species, which is predominately a terrestrial hunter targeting prey items such as Bandicoots. They rely on old, large trees with hollows for breeding.owls are so majestic. cats of the sky.
That is a superb owl
I’ve always been confused by its flat face but it’s a majestic bird indeed.
I only found out it was going on because my tumblr feed flooded with wwdits jokes.
I don’t appreciate still being awake at 4:30 stewing in anxiety about things I can’t change.
Not a cat. Luke is a European Wildcat ( sort of like Bob Cat.) He was found as a wild kitten with big azure blue eyes in the Ardenne Forest by a friend of Miss Seagoon. He couldn’t purr or meow like normal cats , when grown was huge, had a stubby tail and big paws. He was so timid he would lash out . Just had to leave him be and he was fine. I tried to bring him to the zoo in Antwerp but they said I had to legally keep him .
He was a nice boy who liked to chase butterflies and sit near to me. I never once patted him tho I really really wanted to. He went to live with friends in Brussels when we moved to America, he would never have passed quarantine.
If i didn’t know what sort it was I would’ve tried to pat the risky kitty and probably lose a limb in the process.
I tried to pat him when he was a kitten, he bit me to the bone
Miss Seagoon picked him up once , he bit her so bad she needed antibiotics and had lumps in her hand for a year
Luke is beautiful. Boyo had a Serval (S2? I think) before they became illegal. The wilder cats are gorgeous but not so easy to live with.
A serval is Wow 😀
I loved meeting the ones at Werribee, living with is rather boggling
With Compliments,
-Back of House
I call dibs on the fuck and the neopolitan ice cream bowl
You may help yourself to the fuck.
Wow, God themselves telling me to help myself to the fuck, I must be dreaming!
it’s a duck
Oh God damn it. Auto correct doesn’t let me say anything 😑
On the way back from Aldi I gave a bunch of their in house splice’s to a road crew. Well threw them at traffic control and the guys on shovels. Having been on the other side of it myself I’d be cool with it, I hope they were.
Was pretty tired last night and was having good sleep, until the possum/cat/screaming wildlife orgy on my neighbours colourbond roof at 4 am. Whatever the animal was, it had a lot of stamina.
It’s been possum vs bat season at my place. Shitty spring and there’s not much fruit about.
The two fig trees behind the fence are a hotbed for animal shenanigans.
I’m sure she was faking it.
Oscar worth performance
I’d rather pluck my pubes out with tweezers than watch the Super bowel.
Nicely appropriate typo
It was deliberate
Ah. I concur.
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Rigged the house for hot. Curtains closed, doors to the west rooms closed, more water out for pets and hide the remotes from the mrs.
That final step is critical.
My wife will rug up on a 35 degree day…
(EDIT: I assume you’re meaning the air con remotes…)
Mine wont. She turns the AC off even if its still 34 outside because she gets cold. Cold whilst sitting in a pair of shirts and a singlet mind you.
The very last bit begs the question
The mrs is very quick to ditch the AC, rather than chuck a hoodie or trackies, even if Im still sitting sweating on the couch. She’s part flame monster I am certain of it.
You know it’s been hot when the salty brine of sweat makes it into your mouth without even trying. Well, the house is almost entirely clean sans kitchen - and now it’s time for a last round of bulky-item-shopping for the young relative moving to Melbourne tomorrow to study. With tomorrow’s weather I don’t want her and her dad lugging too much around, especially after an overnight flight.
It’s been so long since I moved from scratch that I forget how much you need on that first night when you’re just starting out, even in a furnished student accom unit.
What I've gotten so far.
Sorted out bed linen early, but I forgot about towels and a bath mat til this weekend, and only remembered body wash and hand soap today.
Welcome “pack” also includes two rolls of dunny paper, a small bottle of dishwashing liquid, some laundry powder for period stains, panadol and naproxen; might throw in some maltesers and rice crackers on special. Considering taking a small esky with half price ice lollies to the airport too so everyone can freshen up.
We’ll be eating out nearly all meals for the first week meeting up with various people, so crockery and cutlery can wait. Oh - but she would need a glass or mug. Will give her one of my spare mugs. What else am I forgetting, hm.
Small packet of tea bags and/or jar of instant coffee, packet of wettex sponges, long life brick of milk if used. Teaspoons!!!
I’ve packed a single set of a spoon/fork/knife/teaspoon from random leftovers in my drawer, to tide her over until she gets her own cutlery set. The teaspoon was the first thing I thought of really, then I decided to add the others…
I think she’ll be doing breakfasts inc. famous Melbourne coffee with her dad daily while he’s here, but we’ll definitely stock her up with some tea and milk and such when we do the pantry shop on the weekend. I don’t think she’s a habitual tea/coffee drinker yet. Just a naive lass of 17, barely…
*icy poles
She’ll definitely need some easy meals for this first year, it’s her first time being completely responsible for managing her studies and chores. She knows how to cook but as with many in our country she’s grown up with live-in domestic help doing all the shopping, cooking and cleaning - so it’ll be a big adjustment. Anyway she only has one induction panel and a microwave to cook with so nothing fancy is going to happen…
I got her a La Roche Posay one when I last visited a few months ago precisely for this moment 😎 but yeah I already got some Nivea sunscreen for her dad and his partner, and we’ll see if that works on her as she has sensitive skin.
For everyone who doesn’t sleep well may I remind you of the sweet smooth soft honey voice of Professor Brian Cox. He will lull you to sleep with his talk of the universe.
He co-hosts the BBC podcast ‘The Infinite Monkey Cage’ with comedian Robin Ince… Funny science banter with some special guests. Recommended!
🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 it’s been a busy day
Cheers 🍺🍻
been a good day, first day in over a month pain didn’t wake me up , iow, woke up good :)
Cheers buddy
I’ve clocked up almost 400km this weekend. Didn’t really think I’d be doing that. Geelong to Noojee… I’ve been everywhere man… LOL.
Hope everyone sleeps well tonight.
Oh nice. toorongo falls?
Quick visit on one end to a friend and on the other a short pub pit stop. That run between Yarra Junction and Noojee is sublime.
I think I beat you ;)
Why, yes you did. 😁
My kids both insisted on wearing track pants to school, despite my urging them not to, arguing and reasoning etc. 😳Miniest made a reasonable argument about the classroom aircon being set to subarctic temperatures and her seat being right in front of it. Elder has to carry his locker key around and the school sports uniform shorts don’t have a pocket. I put one of those retractable lanyard clip things on it but to no avail. Was refusing to go to school at all so I had to let it be 😭
I’ve had to submit a uniform pass for my son to wear his runners on swimming days, because making him put on his school shoes twice in a day is enough to cause a ‘I feel sick’ day. I get it!
My work is like that - so cold I have to wear a jumper in summer. Have to share the space & go with aircon majority rule, but when I’m by myself I turn it off
How long and hot to cook gravy beef for a beef vindaloo? I’m not a big beef eater, last time it was chewy as and I wound up blending it (meal prep). I want it to fall apart like a stew/curry.
1-2 hours on a VERY low heat is minimum. It helps to seal the lid down with a sausage of flour & water paste. Ideal for a slow cooker - 4 hours on high setting and up to 8 hours on the low setting if you’re doing more than 1 kilo. Add veg & thicken sauce at one hour out from serving.
I like to add flour, salt, a little red wine - and don’t forget a dollop of tomato sauce, for sweetness and that extra tang.
Red wine is a bit odd, brown vinegar is compulsory.
You’ll want to brown it first then add your liquid then bring it to a boil then simmer on the lowest heat with a lid on. Stir occasionally. It could take an hour or two.
sounds like a job for the outside induction hot plate.
I did one hour yesterday and it was soft enough to be edible. You’ll want more for it to fall apart.
QAnons and alt-righters are losing their shit at the Super Bowl win.
Taylor Swift and the Biden administration scripted the win in favour of KC. Ironically, KC is from Missouri, which is a fairly conservative state, and SF is the most left leaning one. Important to mention SF was the team with Colin Kaepernick who started kneeling during the anthem.
So many brains exploding today.
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