This is getting ridiculous.

Also anyone else notice that google now censors most search results about drugs? They give you their fucking suicide hotline as the top result if you mention anything harder than weed. After that, it’s all DEA and DOJ webpages, literal DARE shit, actual rehab advertisements, and massively SEO’d rehab related grifts. Good luck getting any Bluelight or Erowid pages to come up without actively searching for them nowadays.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    1 年前

    I’ve been saying for a while now that if someone brought back the fundamental ideas of hyperlinks as an authority-confirming tool of doing search ranking via bot crawlers it’s quite possible that they could end up with a better search engine. In particular because the black hats have moved on from manipulating that style of search engine due to it no longer being how Google does things.

    I think the most irritating thing is the recency bias Google has now. Sometimes the 15 year old page on a given topic is just better, and should still be the top result on a topic. Google incentivises the entire web to rehash itself over and over and over and over now. Churning out the same shit in different wording over and over again to chase recency bias.