Anyone else notice X had a very sharp nose dive a few days ago? I recently logged onto an account I don’t really use but had to comment on Lib and Fash posts occasionally. And ~3 days ago I gained a follower every hour (about 20 before this) and bots are liking every post and comment I ever made. The bots really took over a few days ago.
I’ve noticed the same thing. Random accounts have started following me in the past few days. They all have profile photos of attractive women and no discernible interests or other characteristics. It really contrasts with my audience up until now which was full of gay furries and noided communists.
Exactly. I didn’t mention it in the post but all my new followers were women with profile pics that seemed to be scrapped off of Instagram.
I’ve been getting those for months and I’ve just been blocking them immediately. Half my block list is corporations, the other half are made up names and stolen e-girl pictures.