Good thing I allegedly could pirate everything they make
I want to know what they think of the more than 13000 dead Palestinian children then
Can’t buy movies
save the children from whomst, paramount?
This is great, there are so many things people can live without let alone shitty subscriptions to shitty media. Cancel hulu, cancel paramount subscriptions, read books, ride a bike, play a sport, do nothing, or find the media by “other” means. Save your money and take a small stand at the same time.
Why exactly did they feel the need to say this??
Even if I were to put on my most cynical practical capitalist hat, surely from a business perspective it would make more sense to stay neutral or go with a milquetoast “we mourn the loss of all life” kind of statement. I don’t expect pro-genocide folks to suddenly start going out of their way to buy paramount films, but a lot of other people might be giving them more scrutiny.
Unless their leadership is notably zionist or something, it doesn’t make much sesnse.
I go with supersolidsnake and say that the suits from the CIA/State Dept/etc. gave them a manilla envelope of instructions, I would be surprised if a Paramount employee had any meaningful input on this clear propaganda piece.
We are far past the point of “cold calculating pragmatic indifferent-to-all-but-green-line-go-up” capitalism", it is just plain naked rabidly irrational 1984 fascism with TikTok Characteristics at this point.
I hate to say it but there is another option (personally I see it as a bit of both); Zionist Jews do have some power in America particularly within media/entertainment, being labelled by a powerful peer Zionist as an “antisemite” could be more damaging to one’s career than pissing off a couple thousand proles. Proles can’t blacklist you. No substantial chunk of the common population is going to start and keep a boycott of Paramount.
I don’t want to lend to fascist conspiracy, I think the vast majority of the USian ruling class are WASPs, but I do think Zionist Jews (who have nothing in common with commoner Jews) have a noteworthy bloc that cannot be dismissed with the influence it wields in interfactional ruling class politics, as do Catholics, atheists, and New Agey Silicon Valley technocult psychos.
Considering how close the state dept and movie studios are in America, this is hardly surprising. Most media creatives in the west are little leni riefenstahls anyways.
Because it’s owned by classist, elitist liberals who know that the US’s geopolitical objectives are to vanguard the interest of the bourgeoise. The owners of the American AAA movie industry are particularly out of touch and snobbish.
When they say “we stand with children that deserve to be children” mean that they support killing children to prevent them from becoming adults?
We support the Cardassians right to defend themselves from the Bajorans. Any use of force by Bajoran terrorists are to be condemned.
“We stand with the children who deserve to be children.”
Utterly incomprehensible. A lie repeated often enough becomes truth.
I understand it to mean that they only stand with the children who deserve to be children i.e. Israeli children
They’re necessarily implying Palestinian children do not deserve to be children and that’s why Paramount doesn’t stand with them.
Honestly, what major company (especially media company) doesn’t implicitly or explictly support Israel?
1337x to the rescue :p