Recently read this on a Steam game’s reviews section …

User Comment…

The game’s Discord REQUIRES your personal phone number to get access at all. This is a very intrusive, and 100% unnecessary requirement, in order to just be able to interact with others about the game, it’s content, player experiences, and many other things. It’s also intrusive in regards to being able to contribute any input to help other players in any way at all.

Dev Response…

It’s Discord that’s asking you for verification of the account. We’re not getting your phone number. This is standard practice on bigger servers that allows for a better user experience, filtering bots/ spam accounts, trolls, etc.

Could companies please STOP lying about it being Discord’s choice, its not, is the Discord server’s choice to ask for it.

Its a “Verification Levels” setting that the server op sets, and they have multiple options that they can choose from, its not an on/off switch. They can dial it back one notch and still have spam/bot protections.

The only difference between “High” and “Highest” verification levels is the addition of asking for a phone number, all other features of “High” is in “Highest”, and “Highest” has no other extra features besides asking for the phone number.

Makes it really hard to have an pseudonym account on the Internet, for gaming purposes, and then be asked for your real phone number. I don’t need to be tracked 24/7.

    1 year ago

    It’s Discord that’s asking you for verification of the account. We’re not getting your phone number. This is standard practice on bigger servers that allows for a better user experience, filtering bots/ spam accounts, trolls, etc.

    Could companies please STOP lying about it being Discord’s choice, its not, is the Discord server’s choice to ask for it.

    Based on my reading of their response, they didn’t lie. Sure, they enabled the option for phone verification, which they have a right to do, but they aren’t getting possession of your phone number, the Discord system is. So while it’s a valid complaint that they’re choosing to turn on that setting against your preferences, the charge that they’re lying isn’t.

      1 year ago

      Are you a lawyer or something? You had to bend over backwards to paint OP in a bad light for complaining that a server turned on the phone verification feature that comes with the “highest” security setting.

        1 year ago

        For what it’s worth, I don’t think they were attempting to paint anybody in a bad light, they were simply disagreeing.

        It generally seems that OP has misunderstood the intent of the admin reply, and that OP is the one painting the admins in a bad light, as they disagree with the decision for their security settings.

        To declare that the admins are directly asking for a phone number after their reply insinuates that the admins of that server care about receiving phone numbers (which they won’t). The admins simply use the most secure setting available to them and it wouldn’t matter how the verification works provided the admins see it as within reason.

        OP obviously disagrees with this requirement and that’s fine. However to call the admins liars is uncalled for as they’re simply making a choice in their server for its security and it happens to require a phone number. The admins are not strictly deciding that a phone number is the best verification method, but it is the best verification method available to them through Discord, and as the best method they are using it.