Mine is purple. Specifically lavender or lilac, depending on how I’m feeling at the time.
Under communism all colors are blended to a uniform gray that is the basis of all art and architecture.
Green. It is a beautiful color that reminds me of grassy fields
Hell yeah, green rules
Its red
But to be specific, I really like burgundy. Baby blue and forest green are cool too.
i like orange. good color
it’s red
Black (like my soul)
It’s YOU who shouldn’t be getting cute!
Claims not to like red
Picks a color that’s right between blue and red
Is this radical centrism?
No, it’s more like horseshoe theory. Purple, unlike other colors doesn’t have its a single wavelength, it’s what our brain hallucinates when it sees a mix of red and blue.
Manufacturing Color-scent
It used to be orange, but now I think it’s yellow.
Yellow gang 🤘
I always choose the yellow pieces in board games, and get confused when I’m not playing yellow
Lavender. Just love that color of purple.
Green but it’s gotta be a nice darker green - miss me with lime or any green that is closer to yellow than it is blue.
Pale green, such as jade, is lit
the cmyk for Jade is 100, 0, 36, 34 so my point still stands but yes I agree
I like pink and purple
I like yellow
And purple