One of the best albums I’ve heard. Some late night vibes.

    1 year ago

    When this album came out, it was received with widespread bafflement or indifference, with pockets of rabid admiration.
    As it turned out, it was ahead of its’ time by leaps and bounds. Basically, it turned out to be Radiohead ten years before Radiohead, by which I mean their “OK Computer” era, when they truly conquered the rock music world.

    I heard it when it came out, it intrigued me but it also was an intimidating piece of work, for some reason “Laughing Stock” a couple of years later was the one that lit up all my sensors.

    Then I revisited “Spirit Of Eden” and my love for it has only kept on growing ever since, until it is now like facing a mountain panorama, soaking in the spectacular view. A timeless piece of work.