Nearest seas from there is either Caspian sea to the west, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal to the south. Pretty huge empire in the making i would say.
Just as God Emperor Zenz has foreseen
The United Stans
they probably mean from the rhine to the sea of japan. only thing that makes sense.
Aral to the Bohai Conquest Dynasty. Latter-Latter Yan
Or Black-Caspian-Aral-Arabian Sea, Neo-Timurid Empire.
lack of bodies of water aside, I have some good news for whoever made this: Xin
gjiang is already freeChina is occupying this region!!!1!1
uses the Chinese name of the region
They are so hard for Xinjiang that they typed it wrong, their right hand was preoccupied👀
Bro do you even geography? The nearest large body of water is in Kazakhstan. You gonna take a chunk out of Kazakhstan too?
From the river to the sea Nevada will be free!
Funnily enough, that’s less ridiculous geographically
From the Mississippi to the Pacific 🤔
i, for one, support the annexation of California into the People’s Republic of Nevada
What river? What sea?
This is what happens when a lib hears a slogan. They don’t understand that words mean things and just think if something rhymes it equals smart.
this is the truth and it explains just about everything
The Xinjiang river and the Xinjiang sea smh my head, obviously.
shit reactionary says
Urumqi (the capital of Xinjiang) is literally the city furthest from the sea. This makes no sense!
Also, what kind of Uyghur separatist calls it Xinjiang, the Chinese name for the region?
Islam will liberate Taiwan inshallah
For the benefit of those of us who are not great with geography:
Xinjiang is so absurdly landlocked that “to the sea” might seriously mean you end up somewhere in Europe.
might seriously mean you end up somewhere in Europe.
Europe longs to be returned to its rightful place as part of Greater Xingjiang
I would unironically support an independent East Turkistan or whatever if it ended at Lisbon.
Geography doesn’t matter if you can’t read a map
cracka can’t even spell xinjiang correctly smh
Which dumbshit made this?
xing jiang
fuckin lmao