Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Hi everyone thanks for all the kind replies yesterday, I really appreciate them all ♥️
I’m okay, the reason the nurse on call (which is a fantastic service btw) wanted me to go to the ER was (I’ll try and be brief, to spare you all the grossness), because they thought there might have been bile in my vomit. The ER confirmed I probably don’t, and ruled out any appendicitis or serious bowel/stomach issues. They think I probably have gastro, which is shit, but I’ll be right in a few days. They also gave me an anti emetic so I was able to have a rest
I’m back off to sleep, but I should be right. Thanks again everyone for your well wishes 🫂
I am glad it is nothing serious, Baku, I was worried. Keep warm and take care, thinking of you 💜💜💜
Thanks stud, you too 💜
Thanks for updating us. Gastro is no fun at all, so make sure you look after yourself.
Yeah, it’s pretty miserable, but hopefully I’ll be through the worst of it within a few days
Nurse on call are great! I called them when I was having issues with a medication and they were super nice and chill. Glad to hear you’re okay Baku! 💖💖💖
Thanks landshark 💖💖. They are really good, even just having actually confirmation on whether there’s any potential problems can help a lot
Glad it wasn’t anything that required a stay in hospital.
Hope you feel better soon and thanks for letting us know how you went.
I’ve officially moved into my new place. It’s so different and feels so normal. Like… there’s just (sharp) knives out in an unlocked area, that’s not something I’ve experienced (save for maybe hotels and such) in about 5 years
It’s so bittersweet, obviously it’s more bitter than sweet at the moment and I’m a bit of a mess. But there’s a lot to like about this house, and the freedoms that come with living here. I think the best part is just that the people I’m living with all seem respectful, and that’s already leaps and bounds ahead of how things have been in my last place over the last few years
Woohoo! Can’t imagine making a big house move with gastro. You’re a trooper!
Yeah that part wasn’t very fun, but I luckily didn’t have to go grocery shopping today, and there were a few other people helping me out
hugs and congrats . This is wonderful, you will shine in your new position and home. 🤗🤗🤗
Where were you living before this?
(I also wrote a bit more info here, if that helps)
Hooray! You’re finally in. Proud moment mate, we’re all with you. You’re going to be fine.
Thanks hongo
Gastro and moving are stressful enough individually, let alone together… hope you settle in well and enjoy your new surroundings
I’m a bit late to the party but congratulations mate!
At least the moving day is over, and good news on the other people living there. It takes time for somewhere to feel like home, hopefully as you make the space your own it will start to feel cozier.
Great to hear it’s good so far. Hope you settle in well and can start to feel like its your home.
I said I wasn’t going to diarise here anymore - but as an update, I have had a phone interview this morn, and have an in-person 3rd interview booked for Wednesday.
That’s all.
Apologies for the interruption, please continue and mind me not. 🤷♀️ 🤷♀️ 🤷♀️Diarise as much as you want, stud. After all, if everyone stopped sharing their life updates, or even just day updates, the DT would be dead
It’s allll coming up
MilhouseStudSpudPlease continue. I’ve actually been a bit worried because I haven’t seen you post much lately.
I hope you’re ok and things are going well.
I knew you when you were Studcrud so don’t forget me when you’re rich and famous. ☺
Is it a job interview? I like hearing people getting interviews lined up. Gives me hope the job market isn’t dead.
Yep. Looking for phone monkey work bc I hate myself. But yeah, both are for interesting companies in industries I haven’t worked before, so I am curious to see how far I get with either of them.
Oh I do remember you mentioning this. Getting interviews lined up is a great achievement itself so good on you and I hope you get some good news soon!!
I’ve kinda stopped journalling, cos I’m finally finished most of my planned stuffs. Move, transition, work out how I’ll deal with transition, get sober, quit shit workplace and toxic industry, get new job, start exercising again. I’m still around and replying though and still read all your poems. Not going anywhere. Can’t wait till I hear about you getting some work.
Here’s something I never thought I’d get to say: I got to rescue Bluey. My neighbors have a Blue Heeler. They also have young kids so of course, she’s named Bluey. Anyway somehow she got stuck out the front and no one was home, so I went over and helped her out. She was terrified till I reminded her we’ve met before and she was like “OH! You’re a friend! Awesome!” and gave me lots of pats.
Yay for rescuing Bluey. I hope she’s okay.
I’m trying to make friends with my neighbours German shepherd puppy so he remembers us and doesn’t lose his shit every time he hears us moving around in the backyard.
Well done on rescuing Bluey!
Monday morning in the office is actually pleasant for once. The group of cackling hyenas is nowhere to be heard.
I’ve started going in Wednesdays since I basically have the place to myself. Its amazing.
Our Wednesdays are very busy here. Bosses actually encourage more people to come in for socialising and shit. Hard pass from me.
Today is deader than normal, I’ll enjoy it before the inevitable return of the herd next week.
I hate the Hyena’s at my work. Very little self awareness and obsessed only with themselves.
I’m fine with people being loud in the lunch room and such but having a loud chat at someone’s desk and distracting others is a big no-no. One of our directors is on my side and has been sending reminders on proper office behaviour (as per our guidelines). Not sure if the hyena pack read them or not.
I remember this one time a staff member and I were watching a video quietly and one of the hyenas got annoyed at the video music and asked to turn it off.
Moments later the Hyena cackles and laughs many times louder than what we were watching on our phone.
I’ve never forgiven her for that because she doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.
I don’t seem to have the rowdy crowd at my work either, today. It is rather pleasant. Hopefully tomorrow will be the same.
We’ve got about 50% of normal Monday staff in today. I’m guessing people are getting hit with the flu and covid still
Fuck I love a British crime drama! 60% actual crime solving, 10% HR nightmare, 10% rain, 10% you recognising actors, 5% places that sound like they belong in a fairy story, 5% people talking really fast. It’s just brilliant stuff, it’s perfect turn your brain off telly even though that’s not it’s intended purpose.
Day 29 of exercises completed. I’ve got one day to go before I’ve completed the program! Woo! I’ve never stuck at any exercise program for this long in my whole life before, and I have you folks to thank for your ongoing encouragement and support! Now I’ve got to take a look at what my next step is…
Well freakin’ done, that’s awesome! It’s been great following along your fitness adventure! Looking forward to hearing what’s next!
Today I’m being introduced to the clients I’ll be responsible for. It’s starting to get serious now which is exciting!!!
Holy hell the current 14 day forecast for Las Vegas does not dip below 40, and I believe it has been going like this for a while before now too. Bunch of 44’s in there. Could you imagine the Melbourne power grid meltdown?
So hot overnight too. I guess it’s all a/c there, but jeez.
It’s going to be an interesting summer in NSW regardless, as they don’t have as much spare generation capacity when compared to other states.
Vales Point power station has just been given a few more years due to the power shortage there.
Ouch. Vietnam was in that range when I first went there, I was drinking a ton and still got deyhydrated because my body just couldn’t absorb the water fast enough. It’s also an extra shock when you travel from a Melbourne winter. I assume the Las Vegas dry heat would feel different than the humid heat, but it’s definitely way too hot for comfort.
Mmmm. That’s my kinda weather 😎
Jesus Christ I’m tired. I didn’t even do much over weekend.
You know when you collect books because a subject interests you. Well
My expert subject is...............
Image of 2 stacks of cleaning and organising books
Ironically they’re a little dusty and the one I’m looking for is hiding somewhere.
Oh I forgot to add, 90% of my book collection are fantasy books.
Mine are hard sci fi, it’s ruined me. Whenever social issues come up my natural response is to suggest solutions likely more applicable several centuries in the future. Climate change/major extinction event? Move humanity to orbital habitats and minimise surface visits to required scientific study or biosphere maintenance! Preserve the only known cradle of life (Earth) as the unique resource in the universe that it is. I honestly struggle to think in any other mode lol
Mine are definitely writing and editing books. Along with philosophy.
Ooohhh I know what to get you for Christmas now!
Why not? Always room for more.
Would you like an antique book on home sciences? I’ll find one for you. :)
Oh please tell me more.
I will look in shops that have old books, if I find a 19th C home sciences book I will buy it for you. 👍
Keep an eye out for mrs beeton’s book of cookery and household management. I’ve got a copy from the 60’s that was my mum’s, and it’s an interesting read
Mine is art books. If I include all the books husband discarded when we moved I would have 3 complete art encyclopedias, one set in french. Maybe another 100 books on the different schools of art, art theory, technical aspects and artists
I have a couple of cook books, never used them before :/
A couple? Really? There you go
My cookbook collection
Image 2 shelves of cookbooks.
In the past year I have donated/given away/sold about 20 big garbage bags worth of stuff. I’m always decluttering but amazed, in a bad way, how little impact it seems to have on the home.
Since I’m in a cleaning mood I thought I’d share some hints for you so let’s talk about drains. Now people will tell you just “pour some bi carb and vinegar down there and it’ll unblock it. It works for me” and I say no. There’s more to it.
Blocked drains: Step 1. Go outside and locate your overflow relief gully (org). It’s usually located outside the toilet. Make sure there’s nothing blocking it like leaves and shit.
Step 2: Buy a plunger and plunge the hell out of ALL your drains not just the one that’s blocked.
Step3: Now pour some bi-carb and vinegar down ALL your drains. You might as well do them all at once. But add a big squirt of dishwashing liquid down with the bi-carb and vinegar. Plug all your drains. Including your shower just put a scrunched up wet towel over the hole. Close lids on toilets. Step 4: Go and make a coffee. You’ve earned it.
Step 5: Go and fill up all the bathtubs, sinks, basins, troughs, etc with cold water.
Step 6: Release the biggest one (usually the bathtub) and all the other sinks and basins. Flush all the toilets. This causes pressure in all your pipes dislodging anything that might be blocking a pipe. I call this “El flusho” and it’s quite fun. Please note: Keep the shower hole blocked with a wet towel otherwise you might have raw sewerage coming into your shower which ain’t pretty.
Step 7: Do these steps on a regular basis (around every 6 months or so) to keep your pipes free. It’ll save you time and money when your midnight shit doesn’t go down and all of a sudden you’ve flooded the bathroom floor. Prevention is better than paying out $$$$$ for a plumber.Smelly drains: The most underrated chemical you can use for this is Cloudy Ammonia. Found on the bottom shelf in the cleaning aisle of the supermarket it’s cheap and pretty harmless. Pour a half a bottle down a stinky pipe hole and let it sit. Repeat if necessary. The most common reason for funky pipes is stagnant water. Cloudy Ammonia will help this.
You are welcome people. ☺
Step 1. Go outside
Bull immediately plummets 11 storeys to his death
Well if Bull does, Bull needs help. Please proceed to step 2.
Poor Bull, cows can’t go down stairs, only up. Must have been stuck up there for a while.
Ammonia warning about mixing it with bleach. It produces Phosgene gas aka Mustard Gas which will totally ruin your souffle.
Phosgene isn’t mustard gas. Phosgene is COCl2 – it works by disrupting the blood-air barrier, eventually causing pulmonary edema. You won’t produce that by mixing ammonia with chlorine bleach.
Mixing ammonia with chlorine bleach can potentially produce nitrogen mustards. These work by producing cyclic aminium ions, and are cytotoxic.
Note that it’s an incredibly bad idea to mix ammonia and chlorine bleach, but it’s still better to avoid misconceptions about chemistry.
NOTE: there are different types of plungers for sink drains, floor drains, and toilets. One size does not fit all.
That’s true. I have 3 of various sizes.
Don’t bother with the sort of plunger that Rayman fires at things. Go straight to the accordion type.
Thanks for the tip, particularly re ammonia. Whenever the kitchen drain gets stinky I’ve been pulling the pipes underneath apart and cleaning them. I like your method much better
Would it be easier to just melt whatever is blocking your drain with lye?
That’s what I was thinking. Draino works a treat. If it’s tree roots though causing it you are fucked.
You could but I wouldn’t use caustic soda in my pipes. A bit of overkill and it may not work everytime.
Back into work after a week off.
I can do this.
One week off is never enough,
Going in you are so damn tough!
Rock their worlds, make it rumble,
When you arrive, there’ll be no trouble
You can do that, you got this!
You are strong, cool, fantastisch!Oh Spud, you make me chuckle. Thanks.
I work for myself, but I still appreciated this. It’s all organising/order catch up/stocktaking stuff. It’s fine. Not exciting, but fine. At least tomorrow I can get back into the fun stuff.
How’d you go? You did it, I’m sure! Time for a sweet treat?
I DID do it. I got through all the administrative stuff, reconciled a bunch of transactions in Xero, prepped a bunch of things for tomorrow, got orders ready to send out tomorrow. Tomorrow will be more fun than today, but today helped me get ready for the rest of the week.
Time for sosig and potato gems.
It’s always fun when I get home from work and declare “it’s time to de-drag” like I’m a drag queen who just saw their friend eliminated off of Drag Race.