Up next after Elongate
I hope no one ever seriously uses that, because he suggested it himself.
Melongate then.
I hope that’s what we call the media storm that occurs after we find out that he underwent surgery to lengthen himself.
Yeah you can just remove the S from Bill Gates and it works.
Also if he was a Goat he would Either be Bill Goats Or Billy Gates.
A scandal involving a gate owned by Bill Gates would be called Gates’ gate-gate.
If the scandal was a hoax it would be Bill Gates gate-gate-gate
A law banning Bill Gates gate scandals would be called: Bill Gates gate-gate bill.
And if someone was caught taking bribes to vote a certain way about that, it would be Bill Gates gate-gate bill-gate.
A scandal involving Bill Gates riding a horse through a gate might be called Bill Gates’ gate-gait-gate.
I was kinda hoping that in the current era, political scandals would get a new suffix. Watergate happened 50 years ago, so popular first-hand memory of it is waning.
There was a moment when I thought we could transition to [scandal]-a-lago, but it never happened.
maybe when independent inquires into government start happening again you’ll uncover a scandal that can take the mantle.
I’ll just be over here holding my breath.
Hey man, the dream isn’t dead
If it is about multiple scandals all involving countfeit money, they’d collectively be Bill Gates’ Billgates.
What about if he buys fence gates with that fake money?
Bill Gates Gate Bill-gate.
If it’s for fence gates to a Shoebill enclosure?
Bill Gates’ 'Bill Gates Bill-Gate
No. It will be called Waterbill.
Gatesgate. Put down the bong dude.
Watergate is just the name of a hotel/shop/office complex in DC. The Watergate scandal had nothing to do with water, it’s just named after the place where it occurred. The -gate suffix for scandals is dumb.
Thank you, I hate this trend so much. I’d rather be called a gate-gatekeeping douche than see it spread even more.
a scandal involving paper money could be a Bills Gate
Bill Gate²
Bill Gates²÷s
Bills Gate
Beat me to it.
Matt Gaetz tried that shit a few years ago when his taste in younger women (and maybe men, who knows) came to light, but I was really hoping people would have gone with “Pizza-Gaetz” just because it was more clever and pointed out that he was a sex trafficker to a minor.
Why not Bill Watergates?
Bill Windowgates
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