Approximately 20 minutes after takeoff, a young man named Takamaro Tamiya got up from his seat, drew a katana and shouted, “We are Ashita no Joe!” He stated his intent to hijack the plane and instructed the other hijackers to draw their weapons. The hijackers then took 129 people (122 passengers and seven crew members) hostage and commanded the pilots to fly the plane to Havana, Cuba, where they intended to receive training by communist military groups
Can other fandoms even compete
The American head of Pepsi was on board that flight, somehow.
One of the hijackers was the bassist of the band Les Rallizes Dénudés, Moriaki Wakabayashi, who was apparently still alive and living in the DPRK as recently as 2014.
It’s always surprising to me how many plane hijackings happened in the 70s
Most batshit recent decade by far lol