yeah right BBC ,who told you that anyway ?

  • 雨 月
    2 years ago

    Same here. My children, mainly my daughter, use Netflix MUCH more than my wife and I. So the “just pirate the stuff” doesn´t really apply. If I want to see a specific movie or series, sure. But my kids don´t even watch with the intention of finishing a series or whatever. They browse and watch what catches their eye. That can´t be easily done with pirated stuff. And for me and my wife, it´s kinda similar. We don´t have the time or interrest to watch that many movies. Most of the time, we have like an hour to spare, we plop down on the couch, browse through what new cooking or duocumentaries there are and just watch something.

    Now, at the moment, we still use a friends account. Seems like the “Kids” profile still works and on mobile everything still works fine. But as soon as that´s over, I can´t promise that I won´t have to get my own account…as much as it saddens me.