But you do need to break up big sandwich
Big sandwich not fit in mouth
Skill issue
Looking at the meme, and then looking at the current state of railroad in USA:
Also the railroads SHOULD be a monopoly
A state monopoly.
Arguably a private monopoly would at least be centrally organised, competition is just such a shitty idea on massive unmovable infrastructure where only one vehicle at once can be on the same platform
No matter how much you compromise with liberals they will always hate you and call you a dirty commie lol
Breaking up monopolies is such a sisyphean task since new companies can always emerge and put the monopoly back together via regulatory capture. That’s why it pisses me off when liberals suggest it as a policy panacea.
So much
when corporate PACs try to meme.
They’re always like 5 years out of date.
So what’s their argument? Railroads are Chad and Subway is soy because rail road blue collar workers?
Am I having a stroke? I read this meme to mean that Warren isn’t doing nearly enough compared to historical anti-trust actions.
Unlikely from this account, which is probably necessary context. I can see how it reads that way in a vacuum though.
That’s fair. My fault for not expecting the absolute worst out of something called “Project Liberal”.