I have a place that I am using USB Ethernet adapter and getting 3-7 Mbps upload on it.

It is ok… but I have have access to a location with good internet 1.3 km away (0.8 mile) that I could raise and antena and skip monthly internet fees. However, there would be no line of sight and I am worried that 900 MHz band might be quite busy. I noticed that there is an intersection wired up with cameras and what looks to be a PointToPoint wireless connectors. It is close to the remote endpoint that I want to connect and any time I pass the intersection I get interference on phones connection.

It looks to me that point to point antenas look like cheaper option but I am worried about stability. However, I am not sure that an outdoor higher rated 4g antena would improve situation that much since the ‘Bermuda triangle intersection’ is right next to it…

  • seifer666@alien.topB
    1 年前

    If you don’t have line of sight forget about it. Trying to run a ptp in a city with NLOS is going to be garbage

    • PovilasID@alien.topOPB
      1 年前

      I had a chat with only ISP that was willing to consider pulling cable to the consultant gave me “3.6k for fiber+ 50 EUR/month and I am saying that only because 3.6k is the cap… Engineers may look at this and say NOPE” also I do not need fiber they just made it clear that if I do not buy pricy plan they will not even consider doing anything.