Japanese man scraped together cash to buy Nintendo shares just to get a weird complaint in.

  • Logster998@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    You scrap together enough money just to complain victory poses are too feminine?! He must be insecure as hell.

    • 📛Maven@lemmy.sdf.org
      2 years ago

      That actually is probably the only valid part of this complaint, but it’s a bit opaque without context. In Splatoon 1, each gender had a different victory pose for each weapon type; a girl winning with a minigun would have a different pose than a boy winning with a minigun, or a girl winning with a paintroller. In Splatoon 3, instead you choose your own victory pose from a few dozen options. One of options they added earlier this year is to just use the ones from Splatoon 1.

      Except… Despite the name (and social media posts, in the runup to its release) implying it’s all the Splatoon 1 ones, it’s actually only the girls’ poses. The boys’ poses are not available at all.

      All his other stuff is pretty ridiculous, the games are absolutely inclusive (equality feels like prejudice when you’re used to privilege, and all) but I do get feeling like you’re being given the cold shoulder when you’re told “here’s all the poses from Splatoon 1!” and then your entire gender is left out.