I’ve spend a lot of time on r/singularity the past year but over that time i have seen it grow pretty disappointing.

The complexity of “The Singularity” means that some great articles, like those on nanoparticles, get overlooked and buried because they’re harder to understand than a ChatGPT meme (no offense to those, though).

Finding new, high-quality content to share on this topic isn’t easy either, especially with the influx of sensationalist articles. And if I do find a great article, chances are high that @Martineski has already posted it (good job, by the way).

So, here’s an idea: why don’t we get some futuristic help? There’s a bunch of websites that are generally posted here more frequently because there content is just more aligned with out interests (my guess). We could have an AI sift through the .rss feeds from these sites, pick out the best articles, post them here and even include a brief summary explaining why you, an interested singularity enjoyer should care.

This could help us find and understand the right content more easily, and kickstart more engaging discussions about the singularity and our future. It’s a proactive step to keep our community vibrant and informative. Thoughts?

Yes this post was partly made with help from ChatGPT.

  • Atheran@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    2 年前

    What I’m most against is the spam. If for example it was a daily post with a repository of links to interesting stuff of the day, tech advancements etc, I’d be all in for it. But that doesn’t foster conversation.

    In general, at first I was really happy with the subreddit. Then it became spammy and started scrolling past it. Then it became a circlejerk of ‘this robot peeled a banana. Woe me the singularity’ and I started flat out ignoring it.

    Long as this community doesn’t turn to that and works either for discussions or a repository of knowledge on AI and science, I’ll be giddy to see new posts.

    • Martineski@lemmy.fmhy.mlM
      2 年前

      I think that at some point I will be doing weekly posts with curated by me posts where you can click on each topic and you will be redirected to the post with the article or paper where you can discuss it. The weekly post will be pinned and will have links to previous posts with curated news. I want to do it because the more people start posting the more average quality of the posts will go down and it will be harder to find more interesting ones.

      Edit: I’m open to ideas on how to improve this sublemmy and protect it from worsening.

      Edit2: Actually, I may start doing it as soon as we hit our first week of posts to get good at doing it before more people join so I don’t have to learn in front of many people lol.

      • Atheran@lemmy.fmhy.ml
        2 年前

        That’s a great idea actually. Though I don’t envy you the extra workload. It would help both as an aggregator and to foster conversations. As for suggestions, I actually like the one that this post was based on. Be more…open to subjects. Ones of course that still fit the subject and the purpose of the community, but are not limited to just AI.

        Also I haven’t the simplest idea of how moderation is on lemmy but I think my biggest problem with the subreddit was that daily partial doom and gloom post that we’re all going to die yesterday and partial deification of the AI. I found humour into it at the beginning, but got tiring fast.

        And while I doubt I bring any value to it, my hope is that the community stays focused on science and AI and the discussion of it, be it scientific papers and progress reports or helping each other out (if someone for example needs help with running some AIs locally, long as it doesn’t become a ‘how do I get tits to smile at me. Folk said SD is good at that’) type of thing.

        …if my rambling makes any sense, I’m awake for about 42h and my head feels mushy.

        • Martineski@lemmy.fmhy.mlM
          2 年前

          This sub isn’t ai exclusive it’s also for advancements in technology and about futurology, it’s just that the ai is the main focus.

          Edit: Holy shit! Go to sleep lol.

    • moozogew@lemmy.fmhy.ml
      2 年前

      i really like the idea of having one active post from the AI at the top which gets replaced regularly, it could have the AI summarise active threads saying things like ‘users seem to like the idea of AI Curated posts but some have reservations about it as they fear it’ll get spammy’ maybe even it’ll be able to gather some statistics ‘70% of replies were favourable to AI Curation however slightly over half of those in favour suggest it should happen in a limited capacity…’ that could be really interesting.

      it could also do a round-up of related sites and news outlets in a section where it says things like 'this story has been written about widely in the media, these articles express a generally favourable approach while these draw a counter opinion. These articles are of note or contain extra details; wired.com ‘Should the singularity community on fmhy adopt AI Curation?’ contains a detailed discussion with @webghost0101 who proposed the idea, yahoo finance ‘singularity community to adopt AI Curation?’ raises an interesting point not made elsewhere [quote from article].

      it might even help shame us users into being better community members ‘today there are 47 meme posts about the exact same topic. all of them are reposts and as of the last scan 0 people have said anything new or original.’