Nothing to say, i just love it
OP for the love all man kind, don’t listen to a single person here telling you to install these silly utility tools that make a Mac run more like Windows. Don’t get Alfred, or Bartender or apps that give you the “Windows” experience of split screens. It’s all nonsense. Your Mac does everything those apps do. You really should take the time and discover what it does instead of instantly installing a lot of BS. Then you’ll see why Apple puts so much time into the Mac and MacOS. You’d be surprised everything it’s capable of.
The Mac comes with a very good office suite but if you need MS Office then get that. It also has a very good photo editing suit but if you need something more get Pixelmator or PS. If you need to do video editing it does include iMovie but if you need more then install Apple’s Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere.
If you want the best adblocker then get WIPR. It’s ~$2 USD and it’s absolutely the most powerful. It can’t get everything but it’s better than the other free ones.
I fucking despise windows but Mac full screen/Desktop/split screening still needs an overhaul, it’s super clunky compared to windows.
It’s funny because I love the Mac full-screening experience. I love independently being able to 3 finger swipe left / right on any monitor and have multiple displays within displays. I’ve tried to find something similar when I have to use Windows and haven’t succeeded.
When people say make Mac like Windows 99.9% of the time they mean
Scrolling on a scroll wheel and trackpad in opposite independent directions
Window Snapping
Both of which are essential features to get if you’re coming from Windows.
For the love all man kind, Alfred and bartender have absolutely nothing to do with “the windows experience”. They’re great apps
I recommend not installing anything unless you need it, especially window management and customization tools. I like MacOS because it’s simple and clean. Use it for a few weeks, get the hang of it and only then, if you need it, install utilities.
Plus how can we recommend anything if we don’t know what you need and what you like? What a weird request.
This is the correct answer.
Rectangle for Window Manager!
Parallels lol
Maccydroid if you have an Android. Link :
The FREE for personal use VMWare Fusion 13.5 Player will run Windows 11 ARM now with accelerated graphics and doesn’t limit you on cores and RAM like parallels.
Arc is a very good browser I use it personally
I used to work by connecting MacBook to the big screen smart TV. And wear special glasses to keep your eyes healthy
The FREE for personal use VMWare Fusion 13.5 Player will run Windows 11 ARM now with accelerated graphics and doesn’t limit you on cores and RAM like parallels.
Office 365
Daisy disk saved my laptop from being thrown against the wall, so there’s that.
Also rectangle. Love it.
Rectangle or magnet for window management Amphetamine is great but better trust your dorm mate. Go into settings and allow 3 finger dragging of windows, i dont know why this isnt default it feels so natural. Figure out a knowledge graph, note taking, organization app like Notion or something. Its a learning curve but useful if you use it Get an ai whether thats Bing, a chatGPT plus account, or Visual code Blackbox, copilot or whatever Learn about Apple private relay and email generator built in to laptop that forwards to your icloud email. Great for privacy, controlling spam, protects in the least email identification from data breaches Safari has a built-in apple VPN figure out how to leverage it. Set up cmd+spotlight to launch spotlight. Configure spotlight to search all your stuff except your embarrassing private folders. So much easier to do a search than clicking nested folders and scrolling through an alphabetical list. Alfred is an upgrade to spotlight but I dont use it anymore