It kinda sucks honestly, because I think if they literally got one or two more weeks, and disabled the offending settings such as depth of field, they would have received far less flak. I feel like a good 70% of the complaints are due to bad defaults.
Like, sure, they probably still would have gotten some justified criticism for it, but I don’t really think the game deserved as harsh criticism as it got, or at least, the problems are all very surface level, and underneath what is there actually works well.
Tried and true method is still wait until patches and DLC fix everything. If they don’t have the patience to create a working game, I’m not rushing to by it.
No there are actually severe bugs in the financial model of the city also, stuff like that. But it will be fixed eventually. It’s not a bad game. It does what it’s supposed to and it’s more user friendly than the previous version.
Examples? I’ve been playing since launch and haven’t seen anything glaring. The way it’s structured is a bit different, but it all works out when you learn the system.
Anyone interested will buy it eventually. It doesn’t matter if the release is shit they’ll buy it eventually and CO will make money from dlc sales. Based on what I’ve played so far I can tell this game is going to be amazing in a few years.
It kinda sucks honestly, because I think if they literally got one or two more weeks, and disabled the offending settings such as depth of field, they would have received far less flak. I feel like a good 70% of the complaints are due to bad defaults.
Like, sure, they probably still would have gotten some justified criticism for it, but I don’t really think the game deserved as harsh criticism as it got, or at least, the problems are all very surface level, and underneath what is there actually works well.
Eh I’m not buying it on principle now. Kind of sick of these rushed releases.
Finish them before releasing them.
Tried and true method is still wait until patches and DLC fix everything. If they don’t have the patience to create a working game, I’m not rushing to by it.
If they had released mod tools on day 1 like they originally said, most of the game-breaking issues would have been addressed by modders by now.
No there are actually severe bugs in the financial model of the city also, stuff like that. But it will be fixed eventually. It’s not a bad game. It does what it’s supposed to and it’s more user friendly than the previous version.
Examples? I’ve been playing since launch and haven’t seen anything glaring. The way it’s structured is a bit different, but it all works out when you learn the system.
I just read a review somewhere of the game, don’t remember the site. But they listed lots of issues with the current game beyond the graphics.
I also have the game and I agree, it’s fun and seems to work, but I haven’t played that much yet. Kind of waiting for more fixes.
Anyone interested will buy it eventually. It doesn’t matter if the release is shit they’ll buy it eventually and CO will make money from dlc sales. Based on what I’ve played so far I can tell this game is going to be amazing in a few years.