I called someone out on the groupchat for saying that if communist orgs can hand out leaflets with Lenin on them he should be able to do nazi salutes in public. He claimed Lenin killed millions and said “ever heard of the holodomor genocide”. I talked about how the famines weren’t a genocide (and how he’d actually been dead for almost a decade before they happened) and later said radlib came in, claimed Lenin oppressed all the people of the USSR (but admitted he helped Ukraine), posted this video and left
he should be able to do nazi salutes in public.
“Dude why do you keep wanting to do nazi salutes lol fucking weirdo”
Germany is like the only country where you’ll get punished if you’re a regular citizen and publicly display Nazi shit. Elsewhere, you’re more likely to get killed handing out the manifesto
abandon ‘friend’ group
No real point in arguing with people like this because they don’t hold their opinions on an intellectual level but an emotional one. They NEED Russia to be bad and Russia is the USSR so that has to be bad. For most normies politics is entirely libidinal. Putin hurt them by inflicting Trump on America, so nows our chance to hurt him back.
Can someone explain to me the difference between a famine during the Great Depression affecting one of the most war torn regions of its time in a nation without industrial capacity, and planning to put over 20 million human beings into industrial gas chambers and starting a war that kills 60 million in order to achieve that dream of removing all Slavs and Jews from the world? It’s really really hard for me to tell the difference.
the missing chapter
Missing chapter of what? This is one of the most repeated lies in history. It’s not missing at all
This is why I’m glad that I’m not in any groupchats, along with having no friends to talk to about shit like this, or any real friends at all :cri: