Last night, I had not one but two dreams in a row that I swear I had already had years ago.

1: I was starring in a Criss Angel film as Criss Angel himself and doing some act high up in the air. I resemble Criss Angel zero percent, nor can I achieve his mannerisms.

2: I was lost in a vast auditorium setting while a show was going on. I had gotten up to do something, and when I went to find my seat again, I lost my way and kept walking around aimlessly.

      2 years ago

      I don’t believe in omens (or anything “magic” or “paranormal”) as they’re usually intended, but surely my brain is saying something.

      I don’t know what dream you’re referring to, but if it’s the one about balance I’m sure that’s a pretty straightforward metaphor of my childhood since my parents were divorced and I moved a lot between their respective homes while never manifesting my malaise. So I felt without balance while acting normal.

      The one I’m having right now… I don’t know. Surely I’m afraid about a new city, and the dreams all have this weird atmosphere that isn’t happy but neither of fear or discomfort (now that I think about it, it’s similar to how I felt whenever I changed school, so a weird mix of optimism and worry of novelty). I can’t quite explain the big city, but maybe it’s just how big the challenge feels. I also remember the last one being about finding landmarks (some kind of skyscrapers), and I was moving to Seoul with my girlfriend (we’re moving together and she’s been to Seoul for three months for university last year).

      Dreams are weird, but so freaking cool