I just saw someone saying that lemmy will get better once we all move on and stop talking about reddit. So in the spirit of things, tell me a random story from your life. Something happy, something sad, special, mundane, recent, or a far off memory. What is something that happened to you that pops into your head?
Was visiting my dad, and among other things he said there was something wrong with his computer, and could I fix it? He gave a very quick description of the problem.
So we show up, they’re making dinner, everyone’s sitting around chatting. I sneak into the office, turn on the computer, fix it, turn it off. Sneak back.
Then I suggest they show me the problem, so we can get it sorted out before eating. We go into the office, and just before they turn the PC on, I stop them. I put both hands on the monitor, close me eyes, and say: “BE HEALED!”. Then I tell them to continue.
Lo and behold, the computer is working fine now!
Ha ha.