Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
So the final offer came through for the house and I’ve accepted.
Let’s just say it was more than the ‘I’ll be jumping around hosing champagne if I get this’ amount. And off market to boot so no marketing fees.
Thanks to all of you who crossed digits for me. 😁🥂
Congrats! You must be so relieved
I am. 😊. Agent negotiated for about 6 hrs so I’ve been phone watching for obvious reasons, so now I feel like a wrung- out dishcloth.
Wonderful news. 😸
So it turns out if you actually clean your vacuum cleaner properly it performs WAY better. Who’da thunk it? I had to pull it apart because it was saying airways blocked yesterday, which is apparently the level of cleaning I’m meant to be doing on this thing regularly anyway so I learned that too.
Also I just learned yesterday that you’re meant to replace the HEPA filters on Dyson stick vacuums once a year so I bought 2 aftermarket filters which arrive today. I’ve cleaned the existing one a few times, yesterday giving it a more thorough cleaning which was the cause of the “airways blocked” message, but apparently replacing them will make the vacuum perform even better.
It’s actually crazy how much dust/dirt this thing lifts off what I thought were pretty clean carpets. It must have been doing a pretty piss-poor job before I cleaned it.
I thought I had a good vacuum cleaner until I got bissel wet vacuum carpet cleaner 😨 the water comes up black 😨
Wow I have never bought new filters, only ever washed/dried the old ones…hmmm
Are these anywhere near as good as mains powered vaccums?
No, if you’re comparing to good quality corded vacuums like a Miele etc - but I think they are quite sufficient for minor daily vacuuming especially on hard surfaces. Highly recommended for things like vacuuming the kitchen evey evening or play areas if you have kids
Thanks Just_kitten :D
I haven’t done a direct comparison myself but I can tell you they are very good! For smaller places like my apartment they’re a no-brainer.
my sweet baby shadow
I’m such a dumbass. Had a meeting in the office yesterday at 10. We all went around introducing ourselves. I tell them who I am, my role and background. Guy says “Nice to meet you!” and I said “Thank you!! 😄” realising after three minutes, I cringed so hard after that. To be fair I hadn’t had my coffee nor my breakfast but still embarassing 😭😭😂
I’ve said ‘thanks, you too’ before, when a waiter has said ‘enjoy your meal’, so you’re not alone
No, you owned that.
Onus was on him to say “you’re welcome”.
at least you didn’t say “yes it is”
Asserting dominance 😎
I do it all the time then carry on like nothing is a miss.
Confident response, very good
Good morning! I’m in a lot with 40 units and our place is the only one that gets stupid pigeons early morning 😫 might have to get an owl, and not a fake one haha
Unleash the rubber chicken honks!
Unofficial mascot of the Lemmy DT. 🐔
Agent has received an offer and is negotiating.
Cross fingers for me?🤞🏻
I’m late to the party, so I already know how this turns out. Yay!
Morning everyone
Morning mum 💓 happy Saturday
morning mum i am hungry
I feel very vindicated.
Power goes out about almost an hour ago, except for some lights and stuff, very weird. So we’re going through the motions of flicking the power switch at the side of the house and everything, and afterwards Mum tells us we need to turn everything off at the power point, and so everything is slowly working but my stuff. Mum comes in and sees my cords and then starts to say that the reason why everything went out might be because of me. I get annoyed and defensive because she instantly tells me that it could be my fault, and she then gets snarky and annoyed when I tell her that it can’t just be me and she says she’s not accusing me. Even though she never said this to my sister and only said this after she saw my stuff and went “Jesus Christ!”.
Anyways everything starts turning on again, awesome great, lights are working. Mum goes back to bed and turns on one of the power points in her room and guess what happens… everything goes out again. We find the culprit and its one of mum’s sockets/power points that is causing the issue. So fuck me right?
Even if it HAD been you, that’s not a fuggen fault on your end, that’s shitty wiring that can’t handle normal use, so wtf would she have accomplished anyway? It’s not goddamn 1960 any more, the chances of you overloading bar running five power saws simultaneously is nigh impossible
Like I think my bedroom only has one power outlet but that’s because they never give non-main bedrooms more than one power outlet. But yeah I’m mostly using my computer in my room. But yeah it felt very accusatory and ugh. Glad to know it wasn’t actually me though.
Yeah, i hate that filthy feeling.
Most gpos run 10a max - and i have a 4-port one in my office that i GUARANTEE runs more kit than you do, and i ain’t nowhere near tripping. Hell, even a kilowatt pc power supply at 240v is still just over 4amps, and that is rare. And if you overload it’s an IMMEDIATE trip, not a ‘oh we don’t know what did it’.
It ain’t you. Waking up finding something’s tripped your safety switch is a fault
What Taleya said. Have you got block fuses or the wire sort?
It’s quite humid outside.
I’ll take that humidity any day compared to the 24/7 soup I’m in at the moment…
*checks singapore weather…
30c 80% + humidity yep nup
I’d like to think I can shove more delicious food down my gullet because I’m sWeAtInG oUt tHe ToXiNs
tropical meat rejoices
Does tropical meat require a decent anti perspirant to avoid sweaty armpits?
Yay, someone is grabbing the old stumps I put out for hard rubbish - I was starting to think I would need to make a Marketplace listing! Good old Redgum in those things.
Still no word but I put together the new futon couches.
I think it’s safe to say Zooki is a fan.One must question your sanity Re throwrug choices. Likewise mine adopting a white cat as a Goth…
I have a white dog and a black cat, thus ensuring no colour choice is safe.
For many years I had a black & tan kelpie cross with yellow underfur. No colour choice was safe either.
Yeah, I had a White and Tortie. Full spectrum laundry disaster.
Topie was a tortie tuxedo. Same problem.
My wardrobe was completely black until furgirl. Worth it
Ha I had it on hand anyway 🤣
Zooki looks like a cat to me.
Badum-tish. 😂
The young Seagoons have settled in and Bill and Ted have become friends. :)
I’ll be adopting a little orange friend for Gibson next year. I hope they get along…
aww 😸💗😸
I am going for a long drive to lunch today and realised I need to get petrol. I just checked the prices and they look to be at a low point at the moment, how did I luck into that? I’ve avoided looking at prices while I’ve been on leave for a couple of weeks, I was expecting prices over $2.
Oooo you’re right! I can go put some juice in for 188.9 + 4c off nearby. Thanks for the heads up!
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I did.
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Lawn guy was going to come around between 9 and 10to help me get the couches out and on the nature strip, but when he hadn’t shown by 9:15 ish I got twitchy and decided to have a go myself.
To cut a long story short, I got both of the couches out and on the nature strip and the second one on top of the first thanks to a helpful passerby. Phoned the guy to tell him I sorted it but thanks anyway and he said “Oh I was just about to come around.” 😂 Anyway that’s done and I’m now flopped on the bed with the cats having a breather before I tackle putting the new futon couches together. fans self