Why must they be like this
So what the fuck is even the point of anarchism? I figured the only way they’d ever “succeed” is with a revolution.
Anarchists think having success in a revolution is just having pure ideas, and the capitalist armies all leave you alone for no reason at all.
If we defeat the capitalists in the marketplace of ideas, then their armies will put down their guns and join us because our vision is so pure and good. /s
Yet they still can’t do it despite something around two centuries of trying. That seems to indicate that either their ideology is crap to begin with or the marketplace if ideas actually don’t exist in which case again, their ideology is crap.
Someone on here put it better than I could have once when describing American anarchists, that they basically just want to vibe on a commune with their friends
I was on a discord server with liberals and anarkiddies who wanted to plan to make a commune, but I got banned for “Mao-Ze-Dong Apologia” and one of the organizers was extremely anti-Castro.
How can one be anti-Castro? He had to quote him “moral armor” he is the kind of guy I would have a chocolate milkshake with
Indoctrination by a Cuban exile parent. I tracked them down a few months later and DMed them a couple of BE vids and they just responded “my grandma’s anecdotal experience invalidates anything a researcher or person who looks into history could say”.
I just had one of those conversation with seemingly most clueless ultra ever, about DPRK. When pointed he must be part of COINTELPRO because nobody is this idiotic, he suddenly changed the topic and asked about Khrushchev using a lot of marxist terms while 30 minutes before he only talked liberal vocabulary, lmao.