For anyone who hasn’t yet checked out the Nexus since the game’s release, an inventory UI replacement mod has already been out for some days. It gives you a way more compact and useful inventory interface with clickable columns that you can sort by, and most importantly the value per mass column. The most important item stat in Bethesda games.

Another thing you can do is add temporary columns of many different stats to compare your items. It also shows that quantity of an item you already have while shoping. And probably other things.

    2 years ago

    Among my top ten favorite games: Morrowind Oblivion Skyrim Fallout 3 Fallout new vegas Fallout 4

    Starfield is definitely fallout/elder scrolls in space. Morrowind and fallout new vegas, despite being very dated, I think are better than what I’ve seen so far in Starfield

    I’m still enjoying the game and think your comparison is overtly insulting to the game. We aren’t going to get that old magic back. Every game franchise gets watered down as the years go by in an attempt to maximize market share, it’s just a fact of life, and part of the ecosystem that gives us games in the first place.

    Give it a few months and grab some mods and it’ll be just like to good old days

    I get that we shouldn’t have to do that, but actually we kinda do. Better than not having a game at all.